A Tribute to Motherhood

Logic of the absurd:

How “backward” and “oppressive” it allegedly is to expect educated intelligent working mothers to stay at home, when you can have often less educated, less intelligent and less capable bring other people’s children up and be their  educators and spiritual lanterns!

Unfortunately, in our day and age there are many who perceive stay-at-home mothers as a “waste of talent”, “backward”, “oppressed” and even “anti-feminists” and “misogynists”. I find it reprehensible when some condescendingly look down upon women who choose to stay at home and take motherhood as a career, as if a person’s identity is defined by their job title, or their worth is measured by the figures in their bank accounts.

Each child is born to one and only one mother, upon whom he/she is totally dependent, extremely vulnerable and in dire need for her attention, time, love and devotion in order to survive and thrive, yet every other profession is easily replaceable

 Psychiatrists and psychologists acknowledge that early years in the life of a child are the most impressionable and most important in his/her entire future life, in terms of physical, mental and psychological health, personality development, spiritual growth and even in the formulation of their ethics and morality.

Furthermore, these early years fly by like a dream, and when they are gone, they are gone forever, thus every second of it counts as endless blessings and ever-growing joy to be held and cherished forever.

Sadly, I am aware that some women have no choice in the matter, due to their circumstances they are forced to leave their children for long hours and work, my heart goes out to you if you are a mother in that situation.

From personal experience, even though my formal education was in mathematics, I have always took much joy and esteem in my career as a mother. Despite all the hardships, sleepless nights, and exhausted body, the reward of watching the smile of my baby, hearing the giggles of my daughter, or having my heart tickled by the sound of  the word “mama” from their sweet lips, was all worthwhile. Motherhood to me was a career chosen with passion, I embraced it whole, enjoyed every second of it, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

In every other career people deal with the part, the linear, the less complex; they operate machines, write words, manufacture tools, device laws, cure illnesses, operate on parts of the body, teach a topic…etc, they all deal with specific segments of objects, or with parts of a human being.

Mothers however, deal with the most complex, most evolved and most challenging; the entirety of a human being from A to Z. They are entrusted to bring Life to Life, and to look after Life for many years to come until it’s ready to face life standing on its own. Mothers are trusted to be handed a white paper, a blank canvas, a pure being, a spotless soul and let free to paint their masterpiece and create their most endearing legacy.

To conclude, in my humble opinion, Motherhood, the selfless, the altruistic, 24/7 unpaid job, erroneously labeled “unemployed”, is the noblest of careers and highest of human achievements.

I am an avid advocate of Motherhood as a career

particularly, during children’s early tender years

2 Responses

  1. Beautiful and true


  2. Blessed is what I call those seven years at home where I was truly needed. I feel for those who lack the financial resources to stay at home. The last year, when our funds were running out, I took in three siblings, had my home certified for daycare and made up the extra income needed so I could squeeze one more year as a mom in her place. What I learned is what I would not have known, those moments when your children say or do something so illogical or outstanding that twenty-five years later the memories can still make you laugh or experience those moments over, and yes, I am laughing. You just have to love them. Great blog post.


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