The Story of a Land


Once upon some golden days

In a far away land above the clouds

There lived and thrived a tiny town

So close to Heaven, they called it Holy

A fig tree, bed of roses and a mulberry

A door, two windows, a grassy mud roof

Therein lived a girl with a cheeky grin

She fell in love as she opened her eyes

The moment she saw this land of glory

Whose heart wouldn’t melt and sway

Dazzled, before this beauty, anyway?

A hymn of angels, melody so sweet

For yearning souls, supreme retreat

Mistaken for Arcadia, as you meander

Tranquil serene

You’d think you’ve passed away, into Heaven

Scarlet poppies adorned her face

Blushed her cheeks with a hint of grace

Upon sleepy hill, rejoiced her children

Between her meadows, ran up and down

Her name they sung morning to twilight

Palestine, Palestine, Palestine

While she dozed off, one peaceful night

Catastrophe fell, upon her sacred ground

Hoards from hell came dashing in

Grabbed her neck with blood-soaked hands

Smashed her head against the wall

Slashed her throat with an army knife

Left her bleeding, from that day on

The land that’s holy fell to the ground

Closed her eyes, into coma nightmare

Cast in a spell of agony and pain

Her glass coffin you’ve already seen

Daily display on your TV screen

Sleeping beauty lies so still

Awaiting her prince in amble fortitude

A prince of peace to kiss her back to life

Heal her wounds with love grandiose

Sing her hallowed name, solemn and divine

Hold her splendid soul forevermore

Palestine, Palestine, Palestine

3 Responses

  1. Many thanks, Nahida!

    Wonderful poetry, wonderful pictures!

    Yesterday I spoke with the Palestinian pastor of the Lutheran Bethlehem church, and he said it’s ways like this which can reach people’s hearts, as they are tired of hearing of politics!

    Best wishes, Joseph

    Sent from my iPhone



  2. […] via The Story of a Land — Poetry for Palestine […]


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