Show me the Way

Dear God

Ten years ago, I sent you a letter

Innocent, hopeful, trusting and pure

I gave me back to You

“Dear Most Loving

Here I am

An empty vessel

Lift me… Fill me… Use me

As You wish

My will is nothing

But Yours”

Today, I am back

Crawling on my knees

Knocking at Your door

Empty handed







Filled to the brim with horror and pain

Looking evil in the eye, how could I not be?

I thought I’ve seen it all, before!

What a fool!

Dear Most Kind,

I knew it would be a rough ride

But, really, not that rough!

Dear Most Wise

I am not asking you “why did You create evil”

I know You didn’t!

You just bestowed upon us freewill

Dear Most Loving

I am not asking “why don’t You stop them”

That means taking their freewill away

Dear Most Graceful

I am simply asking You for guidance

In this ocean of wickedness and gloom

What do You want me, little old Nahida, to do?

What can we in the Camp of Goodness do?

How can we stop this evil, once and for all?

Show me the way

Show us the way

5 Responses

  1. […] Source: Show me the Way | Poetry for Palestine […]


    • All these wicked people pictured above fail to understand that we come here (this planet) in free will. As a result they live in fear and attempt to control others. They live in a dark space and we live in a room full of love and light. There is a door between their space and ours and it is beginning to open. Light now flows into the darkness and illuminates the darkest corners because darkness is only the absense of light and cannot flow anywhere.


  2. A beautiful prayer. May Allah guide you

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We feel your despair, Nahida. It makes us want to redouble our efforts. We must turn the US’ support for the monster.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful inspiring poetry as always. Giving us spiritual strength to continue. Joseph

    On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 9:44 AM Poetry for Palestine wrote:

    > Nahida Exiled Palestinian posted: ” Dear God Ten years ago, I sent you a > letter Innocent, hopeful, trusting and pure I gave me back to You “Dear > Most Loving Here I am An empty vessel Lift me… Fill me… Use me As You wish > My will is nothing But Yours” ” >


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