I have a dream

I have a dream 


I have a dream

When they stop bombing

No more shelling

To rush outside

And up a tall tree

To tie a string

Make a swing

Fly up so high

And touch the blue sky

Leave my tears up there

To come down as rain…


I have a dream

When tanks leave the camp


To run out and see

The deep huge sea

To swim towards his heart

Jumping up and down

Wishshsh … washshsh

Splish … Splash

Wash all my fears away


I have a dream

When soldiers leave my town

And the camp walls fall down

To go outside

And sitting on the sand

Write a sad story

With my own hand

Then wait for the tide

To wash my pain away


I have a dream

When they lift the curfew

To skip outside

Holding in my hand

The string of my kite

Racing with the wind

Fly it up so high

Tying to its tail

All my nightmares

And with the fluffy clouds

Rinse them all away


I have a dream

When we free our land

To open all the doors

Invite the rainbow in

Holding on his hand

To dance with my heart

Going round and round

Twirling like a derwish

Gathering love and joy

In my right palm

And down the other hand

To every needy child

Give it all away!


Will I ever grow up again?

Will I ever grow up again?

Life on hold

My internal clock is shattered into pieces

The 37 years of forced exile

Have no record in my book of memories

Chapters of lost titles

Blank sheets; page after page

Unseen pictures with no lines

Mysterious characters with no faces

Images that have neither shape nor colour

Invisible words that have no letters

Nor meanings

A sad story with an unwritten script

Life on hold


Ageing by the day

The head inflamed with grey hair

Swallowed by the dark sea of shame

Having to flee without facing the storm

Shaken by the gales of hurt and pain

With my roots uprooted

A freezing gloomy everlasting winter

Watching over my shoulders

Awaiting my decay

Life on hold


I was seven

I am seven

I will be seven

And I will stay seven

Until the day of my return

The pieces of my shattered clock

Will be put together, that day

And it will start ticking again

The pink and white blossoms of my spring

Will become something more than just a dream


I Believe in Miracles



You can break my bones

My free spirit is invincible


You can cause me the loss of sight

The light of my insight

You’ll never take away


In the shadows of darkness

Lies the corpse of your might


You can destroy my house

The windows of my hope,

You cannot break


The pillars of my faith

You can never shake


You can threaten me

With weapons of death

And mass destruction

Implanting fear in my heart

You cannot achieve

My divine connection


With a missile

You can tear my body apart

My soul however

Is out of your reach

And is forever intact


You claimed victory in six days!

Victorious are those

With a dignified gaze

Facing tanks with tender flesh

And only with stones,

The F16 fighter blaze


You can never defeat my will to be

Because my power that you cannot explain

Grows from within the roots of my pain


You depend on United States

For wealth and war supply

My infinite strength stems from

My creator, the One most high

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 I can show you the way

To victory,  Just say:

“ In the name of God

Most gracious, Most merciful

The loving, the Just

The source of peace and light”


Strip away your greed and lust

You’ll be surprised!

Enjoy the transformation

Of your soul and heart

Examine your deeds and

Put your life to the test


Can you see what wrongs you’ve sown?

Were you planting roses

Or were you planting thorns?


Listen to your heart

The true story you shall hear

Let your soul vision be your guide

The picture will be ever so clear


A few words are all you need to say:

“Forgive me God”

An Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man gestures as

And all your sins will be washed away

 “I’m sorry Palestine

For all the pain I caused you”

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“I’m sorry children of Palestine

For being so cruel

Digging your graves

I’m not your superior

You are not my slaves”


Heaven will be yours

And on Earth will be peace

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When you begin to care

In my heart you’ll find a place

And my land we can share


I believe in miracles

And that day I shall see

Because God is only just

God is only fair

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This poem was written BEFORE I learned about the ideology of supremacy and the concept of Jewish soul

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I still believe in miracles

The day of FULL  LIBERATION of Palestine

We shall all see Insha’Allah


Alice in Holy-land


Alice in Holy-land

Alice was falling up, then rising down,

With a quantum leap, transcending

Into a parallel universe

Were every thing is upside down,

And nothing is what it seems to be;

In a forgotten land, once called Palestine.

In this land of wonders, Alice saw

Murderers get Nobel peace prizes,

Thieves are the guardians

Of peace and security,

War criminals are the law,


In this land of faith, Alice saw

Strangers claiming that

God gave them every thing;

For they are the chosen

Above all others,

Despite the fact: most of them

Don’t even believe in God.


In this land of pain, Alice saw

Olive trees uprooted for having roots in the past,

Farmers beaten for harvesting their crops,

Men shot for wanting to pray,

Women imprisoned for having a family,

Children killed for going to school,

Babies gassed for… being.

In this land; of sorrow

Alice saw people in refugee camps;

With large rustic keys around their necks,

Gazing away in despair

At beautiful, invisible homes in the distance,

With no keyholes, no doors, not even walls.


In this land of history

Alice saw signs for peace;

That only led to war and terror;

Road maps, but no roads;

Security zones, with no security;

Miles long checkpoints, where nothing is checked.


In this land of paradox

Alice saw a queen of hearts

Leading an army with hearts of stone,

Yet Alice picked up stones

With tender hearts,

Stones with tongues

That can dance and even sing.


And through the rabbit hole

Alice came out again,

Disorientated and bewildered

Alice was in Holy-land

She went, she saw, she understood


I am so blessed


I Am So blessed

I am so blessed

Being a Palestinian

Being a refugee

For over fifty years

I am so blessed

I wasn’t in the tank

With an army uniform

Killing and destroying

To frighten people away

It was a barren land

Later on to say!

I am so blessed


Being under curfew

For most of my life

I am so blessed

I wasn’t with the army

Erecting high walls

Shooting at civilians

At every check-point

I am so blessed


Losing my father

In one of their raids

I am so blessed

That it was not I

Flying planes of terror

Firing that missile

Then Laughing and rejoicing

The mission was a success

I am so blessed


Watching my brother

Being taken away

I am so blessed

I wasn’t one of those

Kicking till he bled

From his nose and head

I am so blessed


Burying my baby

With a bullet in her heart

I am so blessed

I wasn’t that soldier

Who took a baby’s life

Nor was I his mother

Who welcomed him a hero

When coming back home

I am so blessed


Sleeping in a UN tent

Shivering in the freezing cold

I am so blessed

I wasn’t that settler

Who occupied my home

Justifying massacres


Then, tossing and turning

 All night long

Wondering what’s wrong

Haunted by his deeds

Searching like mad

For a long lost peace

Which he can’t find

I am so blessed


 Holding David’s stone

In my little hand

I am so blessed

I wasn’t giant Goliath

With mass-destruction might

Seeing himself invincible

With no hope in sight

I am so blessed


On the Road Again

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou

Poetry for Palestine

Palestine, Poetry, Truth-Seeking,

Centarsko - https://centarsko.com

The Only Place Where you can Find Extraordinary Jewelry and Fashion

the fragrance writer

perfume | emotion

Poetry collection

Work by Rain Alchemist

Shannie Alvarez

A Gentile with a Jewish Heart



Diary of an Aesthete

Follow the Journey ☩𓀙𓃦☉

Vinoth Ramachandra

IFES Secretary for Dialogue and Social Engagement

Global Justice in the 21st Century

commentary on global issues

James Perloff

formerly refugebooks.com


Email to ziegler.bill@gmail.com

| truthaholics

Exposing Truth Behind Media Spin

No Time to Think

The words, poems, stories and thoughts of award winning writer and journalist, Nic Outterside

Palestine Momentum

Writers For Palestine

مدونة عزت غيث

قوانين، مذكرات، مقالات المحامي عزت غيث مكتب المحامي عزت نصر غيث : عمان - جبل الحسين - دوار فراس - عمارة قدورة تلفون 0797900678 - 0788850180

Strings of Soulfulness

The strings of my life’s soulfulness in the beauty of eternity.

مدوّنة مريم

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Rehmat's World

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Palestinians are at the heart of the conflict in the M.E Palestinians uprooted by force of arms.. Yet faced immense difficulties have survived, kept alive their history and culture, passed keys of family homes in occupied Palestine from one generation to the next.

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