The New Ten Commandments:


1) Thou shall believe that “they” are the “Chosen”

2) If you see their numbers extremely over-represented in high positions of power and control thou shall not mention, except if it was to praise their “superior” IQ

3) If you become aware that they are “running the show” in the media thou shall
only glorify “their talents”

4) If you come to notice their grip in the world of finance thou shall be in awe of their “outstanding aptitude”

5) If you detect their attempted steering of social progress or revolutionary movements, thou shall only explain it with their “admirable righteousness, evolved integrity and exceptional morality”

6) Thou shall not compare their unique suffering with any other


7) Thou shall revere the holocaust –faithfully, as narrated by their gurus, with all thy heart

8) Thou shall have no doubt in your heart of the number 6 million

9) Thou shall not criticize “Israel” the “light unto nations”, and thou shall honour it’s
eternal right to exist as a “Jewish state”

10) Thou shall sacrifice as many “goyim” as possible (especially those who dare to say NO), and on the altar of their conquest, greed, arrogance, and supremacy, thou shall bow down and worship


I for one, fully reject the concept of “Chosen-ness” , fully reject the concept of “superior Jewish intelligence”, and I fully reject the concept of “superior Jewish morality”, i.e. that Jews have always been at the “helm of social progress”.

Will that make me a racist anti-Semite?


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Who is the RACIST?

If believing that: Jews and non-Jews are equal in intellect, morality, spirituality and in their responsibility for their own actions; if believing that is a crime, then I am the
first to be called a criminal.

If believing that the statement: “Jews are unique and special beings, with unique Divine souls” is a racist, chauvinistic and supremacist statement; then I plead guilty of racism.

If believing that “ALL mankind, Jews and non-Jews alike, are equal in humanity and in their accountability before the law”, is anti-Semitic, then call me anti-Semite.

If believing that no man is superior to another in intellect by the virtue of race or religion, is considered supremacy, in this Orwellian world, then call me supremacist.

If we choose not to actively expose and challenge such bizarre myths, and instead opt to turn a blind eye to such outlandish racism embedded in the doctrine of some orthodox Judaic sects, if we don’t break the taboo about the ugly ideology that
motivates and animates the Zionist’s fascism, then undoubtedly we would be sharing the guilt of complicity, active alliance and passive complacency, by our sheer silence.

We, the people concerned must make an unambiguous stance: the choice has to be made between supporting humanity, justice and equality or supporting racism, dominance and supremacy.


13 Responses

  1. […] Source: Poetry For Palestine […]


  2. […] Source: The New Ten Commandments: […]


  3. Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  4. […] Source: The New Ten Commandments: […]


  5. […] COMMENTARIES Poetry for Palestine: The New Ten Commandments. Another gem from Nahida Exiled Palestinian. Source:… […]


  6. Liked by 1 person

  7. The fact that Jews are “chosen from among the nations” – the “Seventy Wolves know it, they don’t try to hide it; it’s only that the righteous gentiles express it in one way, while those who are not in that catagory express it in another way….But to try and hide it amongst Jews is pointless for they are “A stiff- necked nation”, and once they’ve been granted the gift to be chosen as God’s. “Inheritance,” they will never surrender it to anyone – not even to God Himself.


  8. Thhis was a lovely blog post


  9. […] IMG: © N/A. Supremacy as an Ideology PDFAWIP: […]


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