Celebrating Sexual Orientation, the Road to Liberation?

I cannot help but notice the striking commonalities between two  politically active groups who perceive themselves as uniquely “oppressed”, perpetually “persecuted”, “hated” and “marginalized” :
  •  A small part of their perception of the self has become their entire identity
  •  They display symptoms of victim-hood syndrome and excessive sense of persecution
  • They exhibit intense craving for, and demanding of world-love, by hook or by crook
  •  They use slander and ad hominem attacks as means to win the debate, against those who stand by in bewilderment, and against those who don’t celebrate with them their self-obsession and self-adoration
  •  They criminalize those who ask questions, show signs of concern or express different opinions, share some doubts or dissent


In recent years, the entire Western political paradigm has been encapsulated in two main campaigns: the first being the right of LGBT to proselytise their lifestyle (specially amongst children) and to publicly celebrate their sexual orientations, and the second being “israel’s right” to defend itself.

The spectrum of political debate has shriveled to two pivotal topics, spinning in the orbits of “same-sex love” on the Left and “israel adoration” on the Right.

The candidate/ party who are most able to exhibit more love and support to both are the most likely to climb up the political ladder resuming leadership.

The more dedication a candidate/ party shows to both LGBT and the Jewish State the more chances of scoring high on the scale of “civility”

Too much time, energy and money has been invested in expressing “pride” of sexual orientation, and in publicly celebration sexual behaviour, all with the blessing and support of the political “elite”, world leaders and dubious institutions.

What a devious way to divert attention from scrutinizing the REAL issues of PERSECUTION, OPPRESSION and INJUSTICE !


The global and annual LGBT exhibitionist celebrations -under the banner of fighting for human rights against “persecution”, is coupled with persistent attempts to insert this “fight” in every other liberation and/or human right movement.

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Juxtaposing the six colours ( hijacked rainbow bright colours which are for CHILDREN, which lures and attracts the little ones) over every other flag, became the litmus test for measuring the “progressiveness”, “civility” and “worthiness” of support of any particular organization, country and movement.

Does this not cause people to THINK, that maybe something is not quite right here?


Why on earth should “progressiveness” be defined by how much one takes pride in the sexual behaviour of a small group of people?

Why on earth should mankind be classified and divided according to their sexual preferences?

Why on earth should anyone be called “hater” and “intolerant” if one says they do not like their children, nor themselves to be exposed to live-porn?

Why on earth should anyone be labeled as “homophobic” If they kindly request from their brothers in humanity to keep bedroom acts where it belongs, in the bedroom, and spare our children the obscenity of premature exposure to unwanted sexuality or nudity?

How can such a request be considered “persecution” and “oppression”?

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Logic of the absurd

If you are a Palestinian fighting for the freedom of your people and the liberation of your homeland, you have to give up your alienable rights to the land, and flatly aplogise for not liking very much the idea of sharing your home with your rapists, otherwise you would be called “racist antisemite” who wants to “ethnically cleanse” Jews, “persecute” them and deprive them from their “human rights”.

If you are a Palestinian who cherishes his history and traditional values, you have to give up your ethics and culture, start competing with “israel’s Pride Parade”.

You need to understand that your support for the “gay pride” public celebration of the particular sexuality of a very small segment of the population, is the first and conditional step toward the liberation of your homeland.

In order to succeed in defeating your oppressors, you have to make their sexuality  your number one priority; compete with “israel”, organise PPP “Palestinian Pride Parades” which are bigger, more radical and louder than that of “israel”, otherwise you would be seen as a “backward Arab” and you would be called “intolerant homophobe”.

For whose agenda?

We began to feel the pressure demanding to insert sexual orientation as an”integral” part for our movement, which is extremely insensitive and divisive move at this stage of our struggle.

We began to feel the heat of abuse because we express concern for our children and ask for some sensitivity towards our culture

Having the view that sexuality is a private matter does NOT mean one is hateful or homophobic.

Muslim societies are concerned for the welfare of the whole society, and not just the pleasure of a few.

Exhibitionism and public display of sexual activity is deemed harmful for society, specially the most vulnerable and most worthy of protection, namely the children.

Premature exposure of young children to sexuality is like force feeding a newborn with chilli con carne and beefsteak followed by few cigarettes and an alcoholic drink.

Children are not designed or ready to cope with sexual activity as much as babies are not ready to digest heavy meals.

It is not rocket science to know that such early exposure is harmful to children.

When I expressed my concern for children, I was attacked, ridiculed, accused of being “racist”, “Homophobic”, insulted and threatened of being blocked by one prominent activist for Palestine.


It is obscene that a self-profiled “supporter” of Palestinians, would completely ignore, reject and campaign to change fundamental aspects of Palestinian culture, ethics, model of society etc.

The Palestinian model of society has been successful in peacefulness, harmony,  tolerance and family cohesiveness, since centuries and more, contrary  to the imposed “Western” model, which arguably has failed in these respects.

What sort of support are we seeing, when in essence it asks us to abandon our cultural identity?


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Love grows forever


No matter how colourful

No matter how grey

No matter how joyful

No matter how full of pain

No matter what we lose

No matter what we gain





Seen from above

Life is but a game

Captured in a story

Once upon a dream




Awakened hearts

Tightly intertwined

Time and space do not contain

No separation no restrain


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Nurtured in adoration

Blossoms in drought as in rain

Shins through darkness

A cosmos exploding, supernova plays insane





When injustice becomes the law

When confusion leads many astray

Awakened hearts

Always find a way




Cherishing life, embracing all

Vessels of compassion heeding the call

Without distinction, holding creation big and small




Let there be hearts tender and pure

Floating lilies in a nectar river

Sublime serene, love grows forever


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Art work credit to
Yasmeen Olya and Layla Nowras




What a viscous “antisemitic” Palestinian apple, trying to bite the poor innocent knife and crunch its bones to pieces

Save the knife from being “ethnically cleansed”


Nahida Izzat's photo.
 *  *   *


Zionism is Jewish Nationalism

“israel” is the Jewish state

“israel” is committing Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity


All the above has absolutely nothing to do with Jews, Jewish people, Jewishness or Judaism

OK ?


Nahida Izzat's photo.
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