Stand Up for Children


There is a war raging right now, not the one in the Middle East, eradicating lives, destroying entire civilizations, and wiping out human history from the face of the earth.

A different kind of WAR, a spiritual war aimed at destruction of our children’s souls, not just their physical bodies, a WAR on our children to rob them of all that is valuable, of love, joy, innocence, safety, trust and beauty.
A war intended to cause long term TRAUMA through fear and pain, which aims to create malleable, fragile, zombified, and easily manipulated generation, because humans are far easier to control under distress, fear and pain.

Under the guise of “education“, “art”, “liberalism” or whatever name they claim; children, nay, toddlers and even babies are being exposed to images they should have NEVER been exposed to, at their tender age, with the cheer and support of some who think this is “progress” and “advancement” in human societies.

I have listened to teachers talking about their experience with the so called  “sex education” when working with young children; most children exhibited signs of distress, they became extremely uncomfortable, agitated, closing their eyes or looking away and some actually physically threw up.

It is beyond me how can some people be so thoughtless, so insensitive, as not to recognize intuitively what is harmful to children and what is not!

For example, indoctrinating children with gender ideology and promoting surgical/hormonal/chemical child gender change, by the admission of the American College of Pediatricians and psychiatrists is harmful and dangerous. However, we are constantly bombarded with stories of “wonderful” and “brave” parents who help their child morph into the opposite gender, presented to us as the epitome of “human greatness and courage”

Worse, there are those to whom children are a prey, who have been working for decades to push their agenda, to “come out of the closet” and to promote their twisted sexuality into an accepted norm (maybe even “celebrated”). Under the guise of “sex education” they are pushing to reduce the age of consent, thus smoothly normalize and legalize paedophilia, while the rights, well-being and long term harm on children is crushed under.



Furthermore, if you, as a loving caring parent want to hold on to your ethics, and protect your children from such “education”, they come chasing you like mad dogs. They relentlessly attack, dehumanize and ridicule you, using all sorts of methods of abuse and name-calling, eerily similar to hasbara Zionists. In their cold, calculated rigid paradigm, and while they claim to abide by fluid relative moralism, there is no room for a different opinion.

They want us to believe that parents who want to protect their children from being prematurely exposed to explicit sexuality, when they are NOT yet ready neither mentally, nor emotionally nor physically, parents who want to give time to their children to BE CHILDREN and allow them the  space to grow, learn and thrive at their own pace are “uptight” and “zealous”

By their absurd “logic” feeding a newborn baby some heavy 3 course meal of roasted meat followed by chocolate cake coca cola to digest, is natural, healthy, and good for preparing the baby for the future because this is what he/she will be eating when they grow up, as all humans do.

The fact that babies are NOT READY yet to digest such heavy meals is “irreverent”.

In utmost love and agonising desperation I hereby declare that ROBBING children of their INNOCENCE is CHILD ABUSE.

It is our children’s absolute right to be protected from harm and danger. Harm and danger include exposing them to that which their entire being; physical, emotional and mental is not ready for.

Let me reiterate and be clear here, shoving prematurely  explicit sexuality and gender identity down the throats of our children and call it “education”, when they NOT READY, and when they have no idea even what gender is, is  CHILD ABUSE no less, a CRIME against our children, their innocence and their childhood. Paedophiles couldn’t wish for more.

Therefore, I call upon all those who are concerned about the future, health, happiness, safety and well-being of our children to stand up and speak up against this hideous war targeting the very souls of our children.


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