Monstrosity of Soul



When I was a little girl I lived in a little village north west of Jerusalem called Beit Iksa, just on the opposite hills of the annihilated village of Deir Yassin.

Adults in my village used to talk in whispers about Jews, yet, never mention them directly in front of us children. If it ever happens that we heard something, they would stop talking and swiftly change the subject. We knew nothing about the attacks, horrors, massacres, ethnic cleansing  and terror inflected upon Palestinians in villages only a stone’s throw away, all around. Left to my own devices, and having a wild buoyant imagination, I used to think Jews are monsters, mythical beings, who exist only in children’s stories, they were not real, and most certainly not human beings.

When I met them, in 1967, after the invasion of my village, I was seven at the time, it was utterly shocking to see they were actually real, moreover, they were human beings who look exactly like us. It took me years to adjust to this new reality and come to terms with the fact that those who devastated our lives irreversibly, kicked us out of our homes and took over our homeland by sheer brutality, were actually humans.

Fast forward, forty years later, I stumbled upon a word “Neshomeh“; my world was flipped upside down, gates of Hell flung open before my eyes, I was pushed decades back in time.

I learned that “Neshomeh” means “Jewish soul” which is an “additional distinct divine” soul that every Jew posses, unlike us, non-Jews, who only posses “animal souls”. I became physically sick and wept for weeks to discover that such a profound ideological supremacy even exists. The devastation continued as I learned of their teaching which differentiates between Jews and non-Jews on levels of morality, spirituality and intellect, so much so that some believe the entire universe is created for their sake, and that the rest of mankind are created only to serve them.

Many years of study and scrutiny lead me to conclude that the supremacist ideology which sets them apart from the rest of humanity is the biggest stumbling block and the real obstacle to peace and coexistence. In retrospect, my childhood perception about the invaders who occupied my homeland being monsters was not far fetched. What I see now is indeed monstrous still, but it’s another form of hideousness, on a different level all together, it is a monstrosity of the soul.

What was even more devastating to discover was that even many of the so called “atheist” Jews, knowingly or not, are participating in that system of oppression by choosing to benefit from this arrangement, not only by keeping the privileges they acquired by ethnically cleansing of another people, but also by being active participants and willingly complicit in the concealment of this heinous ideology, and by forcefully attacking and slandering any “gentile” who comes to learn/talk about it.

Thus I am always puzzled at those good-intentioned yet deluded individuals who try to convince themselves and the rest of the world with the illusion of a “one state solution with equal rights for all”.

Keep aside the unspeakable injustice that such a solution presents against Palestinian, as it grants war criminals the consent and seal of approval of their victims to colonize their land forever. Forget the fact that equating the CRIMINAL with his VICTIM is adding insult to injury. Put aside the fact that imposing on the victim to be eternally entangled with his abuser which means intensifying and prolonging the suffering and horror of the crime. Forget all the above, the real tragedy is, those who are chasing the mirage of peace with ideological supremacist fail to realise that peace and equality with violent ideological supremacists whose ideology is heaving with commandments to “hate” and to “exterminate” the “evil” other, is an oxymoron, an impossibility by definition. Simply because supremacists perceive you and I as animals, a lower rank of creation, in levels of spirituality, morality and intellect, so whatever you do, in their eyes, you will never be anything but an animal created only to serve them or a commodity to be used, exploited and enslaved.

عندما كنت صغيرة كنت اظن ان اليهود وحوشاً وليسوا بشراً مثلنا، وعندما احتلوا بقية فلسطين في ١٩٦٧ ورأيتهم تفاجئت ان شكلهم عادي كباقي البشر.

بعد اربعين سنة تعثرت بكلمة ( نِشومه) ولما بدأت ابحث عن معناها وكأنما فتحت امامي طاقة من الجحيم عندما عرفت ان معناها “الروح اليهودية”، والروح اليهودية في عقيدتهم هي روح اضافية الهية لا يملكها الا اليهود بينما غير اليهود لا يملكون سوى ارواح حيوانية. وان الكون بما فيه خلق لاجلهم ولخدمتهم، وانهم هم المالكون الحقيقيون له ولكل ما فيه، بل لولاهم لما خلق.

وبعد سنين عديدة من البحث والدراسة لعقيدتهم الاستعلائية ايقنت ان تصوري الطفولي عن كونهم وحوشا لم تكن خاطئة على الاطلاق. الفرق ان ارواحهم هي الوحشية.

لذلك اعجب كل العجب من الواهمين الذين يحاولون اقناع انفسهم بحل الدولة الواحدة بحقوق متساوية للجميع!

وبغض النظر عن الظلم الفاحش للفلسطيني في حل كهذا ، وعداك ان مساوة المجرم بالضحية هي مضاعفة لقبح الجريمة، الا ان المأساة هو أن اللاهثين وراء سراب السلام مع هؤلاء الاستعلائيين هو من تاسع المستحيلات، لأنهم باختصار ينظرون لي ولك كحيوانات، ومهما فعلت ايها الانبطاحي المتخاذل لن تكون بأعينهم سوى حيوان يستعبدونك او عبد يأمرونك.

“…Jews have a neshomah which is part of G‑d Himself we have an awesome ability; to reach through the curtain of nature…”  Source

“We have learned that Jews are functionally different from non-Jews in that they have a neshomah, a part of G‑d Himself” Source


“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species.”

“This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”

“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”

“As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”

“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”

“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”

“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.” Source


“The souls of the nations of the world, however, emanate from the other, unclean kelipot which contain no good whatever”



This article is now deleted







3 Responses

  1. Thank you for this detailed evidence based article.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent article. First through your tragic personal experience as a child, then your shocking discovery as an adult, and finally through an irrefutable body of evidence you provide here, we can for the first time have a glimpse into what drives jews to commit such insane atrocities and genocide against Palestinians and others mostly defenseless despite some minor protests.

    The 20th Century Genocide against Palestinians and Arabs at large, did not take shape in a vacuum, it had to be fomented and orchestrated, both by demonizing the victims and presenting the perpetrators as “superior”. I doubt anything can be more racist.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Their “supreme” spirit is the biggest shit I’ve ever known in my life.

    Liked by 1 person

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