Blending In Love

When overwhelmed
I run outside
I chase my nightmares
Holding my hand
From strands of a rainbow
Gather some colours
In pots of gold

* * *
Back home, serene
I sit in a corner
With a thread of stars
And a bunch of flowers
I braid my song
Stitching my heart
On grandma’s robe

* * *
High from Heaven
Her eyes twinkle
Her smile glows
Seeing her baby
Comes back to life

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* * *
A splash of love
Falls from above
Graceful Divine
The weary soul
Swells up with joy
Tears of elation
Bows down and prays

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Don’t Miss Out

Get off your seat

Hold on very tight

Your fractured wings

And tearful soul


Meander outside

With a limping heart

A dreary story

A sack filled with pain

Wander in a meadow

Hug a weeping willow

Kiss a sleepy flower

Sway with the breeze



Flung open the gates

of your weary heart

Exhale all sorrow

Breath in the Light

Send waves of love

Up up so high

Violet and blue

Paint pink the sky

Awe struck in wonder

Bathing in splendour

Draw the world a rainbow

Up above the clouds


Watch God’s glory

Cascade like rain

Watch God’s wonder

Cascade like rain

Watch God’s love

Cascade like rain


God’s Language


God speaks in many different ways

God speaks in light, shades, colours and rainbows

Ultraviolet, red, mauve and umber



God speaks in codes and cryptic language

Pi  𝛑 and Phi Φ, crystal clear, baffling signs

Harmonious psalms and magical numbers



Gods speaks in letters: “be”, WOW, it is

In waves, in quarks and supernovas

Infinitesimal, gigantic splendour



God speaks in images that capture your soul

Can you hear the melody of a baby’s hand

wrapped around his mama’s finger



God speaks in rhyme, sublime and tender

In the fragrance of a flower

Embracing life with joyful wonder


God speaks in roaring prose, majestic, supreme

In the pounding of the ocean

In the yowl of piercing thunder



God speaks in a voice, august superb

In the trickling of a stream

Running its course, no rest, no slumber



God speaks in hymns, enchanting serene

In the awe-inspiring DNA

and the elegance of nuclae



Gods speaks in empathic poesy

In the sorrowful tears of a doleful child

and the shimmering sparkle in his hopeful eyes



God speaks in sonnet of elation

In chants of gratitude and silent prayer

In the grace of souls, teeming of devotion



God speaks the language of brilliance

In the axioms of mathematics

In stars dancing, harmonious motion


God speaks in Divine verses

Perfection and bliss, imbued in euphoria

Infused in hearts of prophets and children



Stay still

Close your eyes, open your heart wide

Can you hear God’s throbbing whispers?


I Love, therefore I am


Empty handed, I came

Except of a heart

Full of love

and a soul full of awe



Empty handed, I shall leave

Except of a heart

Full of love

and a soul full of awe



​If you ever wondered who I am

If you’re curious to know

If you want to remember me

With anything, after my departure

Two words




I love my children, a bequest from above

A peek into Heaven, and a love pure, Divine



I love my grandchildren, a whiff of angels, a taste of paradise

Hope they imbue, trust they sow and joy they enshrine



I love my mum, my flowery tiara, my song of praise

Her life she gives with glee, her heart tears for every passer by



I love my father, my crown, my honour, my wreath of fame

In humble gratitude, gracious blessings, my head bows down



I love my siblings every single one of them

Afar in their bodies, in my soul, ever so near, intertwined



I love my friends and kin

Those who are nigh and those who are far

Meadows of wildflowers, sway around my soul


I love you, and you and you and him and her

I love you all with all my heart, with all my soul

Every child gaping in awe

Every baby who saw the light and every one who’s not yet born



I Love

Every wrinkled face, carved with pain

Eyes shimmering with hope, soul filled with grace

Arms tender secure, what a holy embrace


I Love

Every father grinding his whole

To see his lovelies giggling with joy

A burning candle to brighten the way

Dispel all horror, secure the home



I Love

Every mother enduring agony

Sleepless nights, growing fears, flowing tears

No strings attached, no hidden agenda

Just love so pure, unconditional, perfect, sublime


I Love

I love the rustling of leaves, whispers of children, singing of nightingales

I love the crashing of waves on the seashore

I love the scent of jasmine blooming, and roses rambling on a wall

I love the aroma of grandma’s bread, fresh out of her taboon


I love colours of the rainbow

Blazing red​, burning orange

Bursting yellow, refreshing green

 Enchanting violet, magical indigo, and calming blue



I love animals, I love fish, I love birds and butterflies

I love leaves and coral reefs and dreamy skies

​I love grass, I love rivers and oceans azures

I love pebbles, I love cobbles and brave stones

I love mountains, rocky hills and sandy shores

I love raindrops, snowflakes, and misty due

I love trees and flowers​, all shapes and hues



I love the World

With all what it contains

With all my heart and all my soul

Every swimming star, twirling galaxy and dazzling blackhole

Every dancing atom, every praying particle, every spinning positron


Above all and most of all

I love the One and Only

Majestic beyond words

Compassionate beyond dreams

Infinite Beyond the grasp of minds

Whose love embraces all



If my heart would have a hole

My love would leak and fill a pail

The pail would flow and fill a stream

The stream would flood and fill a river

The river would deluge and fill an ocean

The ocean would expand and overflow

Earth would gush and drench the universe

Beneath the Throne of the One Most Loving, Most High



دموع صامتة


وما تسقط من دمعة الا يعلمها الله
كل دمعة خوف
كل دمعة الم
كل دمعة حزن
دمعي صلاة

صمتي صلاة


اتيتك يا الهي مثقلة بصمتي ودموعي
طرقت باب رحمتك
وافرغت همي على عتبات كرمك
حنانيك يا رب
حنانيك يا ذا الجود والكرم
حنانيك يا ودود يا ذا العفو والمنة


فليتك تحلو والحياة مريرة
وليتك ترضى والانام غضاب
الا ليت الذي بيني وبينك عامر
وبيني وبين العالمين خراب
اذا صح منك الود فالكل هين
وكل الذي فوق التراب تراب


هاك قلبي دكه دكاً دكا
افدي به خلقك وارضك
هاك قلبي انثره ذرة ذرة
وفي زوايا الكون بعثره
عسى ان يورق املاً
ويزهر حبا وعطاءً


Silent tears


Not a tear falls but that He knows it

Every tear of pain

Every tear of grief

Every tear of fear


My tear is a prayer

My silence is a psalm of praise


Darkness descends

All encrypted  doom and gloom

Run soul run, run away

O dear God, frantically I run to You

Burdened with my silence

Loaded to the brim with void

Drowning in an ocean of tears

I knock at the gates of Your Mercy

At the doorsteps of Your compassion,

I dump my agony, empty my grief


O Most Compassionate

O  Most Kind,

Your pardon, I thirst, my Beloved

A sprinkle of Your kindness

A touch of Your grace



“Wouldn’t I wish you’re pleased, even if life is bitter

Wouldn’t I wish you’re satisfied, even if others are annoyed

If only what’s between You and me is flourishing

Even if what’s between me and the world is a ruin

If your friendship is intact, then all is good

All that’s above earth, is dust”


Here is my heart, I give it back, grind it down

May it’s agony be a redemption

Here’s my heart, take it back

Scatter it’s atoms far and wide

In all eleven corners of the universe

Of it’s anguish, may hope sprout

May love grow and kindness bloom


Show me the Way

Dear God

Ten years ago, I sent you a letter

Innocent, hopeful, trusting and pure

I gave me back to You

“Dear Most Loving

Here I am

An empty vessel

Lift me… Fill me… Use me

As You wish

My will is nothing

But Yours”

Today, I am back

Crawling on my knees

Knocking at Your door

Empty handed







Filled to the brim with horror and pain

Looking evil in the eye, how could I not be?

I thought I’ve seen it all, before!

What a fool!

Dear Most Kind,

I knew it would be a rough ride

But, really, not that rough!

Dear Most Wise

I am not asking you “why did You create evil”

I know You didn’t!

You just bestowed upon us freewill

Dear Most Loving

I am not asking “why don’t You stop them”

That means taking their freewill away

Dear Most Graceful

I am simply asking You for guidance

In this ocean of wickedness and gloom

What do You want me, little old Nahida, to do?

What can we in the Camp of Goodness do?

How can we stop this evil, once and for all?

Show me the way

Show us the way

Seen From Heaven

Did you ever wonder

What does the face of Earth look like, from afar?

If angels are gazing down from Heaven, what do they see?

An azure globe shimmering?

A reflection of star-lit night-sky?

Do they see scattered souls beaming?



Some borderline, dull confused minions?

Some satanic, dreary black-holes?

Some angelic, blazing supernovas?

Which one is yours and mine?

I wonder!





Storm raging

Hearts in turmoil

Retreat, coil within

Kiss the land

Embrace the soil



Have you ever seen a bird die of starvation?

Trust like a bird

Flutter your wings

Sow a seed

Help it grow

Tend the land

The Provider will provide



In a bowl of purity

Mix some effort

Tsp of kindness

A dash of sincerity

Sprinkle more love

Grateful and gracious

Watch soil smile

A rainbow radiating

Sprouting divine



Thank You for every flower I’ve ever seen

Thank you for every daisy I’ve come by

Thank you for every mama I’ve ever known

Thank you for every baby grin following a cry

Thank You for every smile I’ve ever had

Thank You for every tree I’ve ever climbed

Thank You for every hand that held my hand

Thank You for every hug that kissed my heart

Thank You for every tear ran down my cheeks

Thank you for every twinkle in my eyes

Thank you for every grain of sand

Thank you for every drop of rain ever fell down


Thank you for every star adorned the sky

Thank You for every stone laying by

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Thank you for every step ever had

Thank you for every prayer ever pronounced

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On the Road Again

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قوانين، مذكرات، مقالات المحامي عزت غيث مكتب المحامي عزت نصر غيث : عمان - جبل الحسين - دوار فراس - عمارة قدورة تلفون 0797900678 - 0788850180

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