You Couldn’t Make This Stuff Up!



We, Palestinians are not choosing to make our struggle of liberation, a religious one. It has been IMPOSED on us. THEY are making it a religious onslaught.



Inside occupied Palestine, they are making it a full blown religious onslaught; claiming “God gave them the land”, working relentlessly to “rebuild” the alleged temple on the ruins of Al-Aqsa mosque, and engaging in our slow genocide to fulfill their “religious commandments”.

Outside of Palestine, their brethren are working non-stop to conceal that fact and pretend that “israel” has nothing to do with Judaism.


Inside occupied Palestine, this supremacist genocidal occupation would not have lasted so long if it wasn’t for the support it gets from Jewish communities worldwide, (many of whom work as sayanim), including financial, military, moral, surveillance, espionage, theft and transfer of technology, assassination…etc.

Outside of Palestine, their brethren work non-stop to conceal the involvement and the role of global Jewish establishment with all its charities, organizations, foundations and factions, and to absolve global Jewish groups who have unconditionally supported the genocidal occupation for decades.


From my research and experience, I could confidently say that the role played by Jewish “supporters” of Palestine have put the interest of Jewish “israelis” and global Jewish communities, up and above the survival of Palestinians and the liberation of Palestine.



In all my over 35 years of working in political activism, and of all Jewish “supporters” I have known, worked with, discussed with, or read for, I couldn’t count more than the number of fingers of one of my hands, those who truly support the full LIBERATION of Palestine, including RETURN, RESTITUTION, REPARATION and COMPENSATION.

Their “support” has been more of a hindrance and a burden, rather than serious help, in my opinion.


We are the only nation on earth who are not only not allowed to mention the name and ideology of our oppressor, but we are also demanded not to offend him.

Worse still, we are demanded to assure his security and to protect his future and to facilitate his everlasting stay on our stolen land!

You couldn’t make this stuff up!


2 Responses

  1. This wwas lovely to read


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