Daughters of Palestine Roar for Freedom

This is the authentic beautiful, truthful, roaring voice of Palestine, throughout Her young poetesses 

NOT the sellouts who are campaigning only to “live side by side” with their rapists

NOT those who are desperate to absolve the usurpers of Palestine from their crimes,

NOT those who are tirelessly working to enable the robbers to keep the loot legally, thus finalising the Zionist project.

This daughter of Palestine puts to shame, all the self-appointed “leaders” who pretend to be our representatives and claim to speak on our behalf

This lioness, this beautiful daughter of Palestine delivers her roaring speech in classical Arabic, like shooting bullets

Her name is Shahd, Listen to the ten years old, roaring 

(her name means Honey)

Translation (by Nahida Exiled)

My feelings echo the feelings of every Palestinian child,

Every Palestinian girl and boy

I am feeling VICTORY and JOY, all simultaneously mixed

Today, today we speak of words, our lips have yearned long to utter,

Words of VICTORY;

Victory in Gaza…

Gaza is victorious

Today in Gaza, tomorrow in Jerusalem,

The day after tomorrow in all of Palestine

We will liberate all of Palestine,

from Ra’ss Ennaqoureh to Um elrashrash

We will Liberate All of Palestine

We say to them (our occupiers)

You are the ones hiding in shelters

We are the strong ones

We, the children

You are the ones who widowed our women,

Orphaned our children and killed our elderly

Despite all of that, we stand in dignity

We will continue to resist the your occupation

We will resist

You are nothing but a nation of occupation, of oppression

You have not a shred of compassion

You kill women and children and accuse them shooting rockets

Avichay Adraee , women and children shooting rockets?

You are a liar, you and your entire army are liars and oppressors

Without one shred of mercy

You are transgressors, ruthless and corrupt

I swear, I swear, I swear, we will liberate Palestine,

I swear we will pray prayers of gratitude,

But in Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, God willing

We will liberate the entire land of Palestine

 We will kick you out of our land

We will stand above the last damn Zionist corpse of you,

Here in Gaza, with our dignified feet, insha’Allah”

#شـاهد ,, ماذا قالت طفلة من غزة لأفيخاي أدرعي !!
و كيف احتفلت غزة #بأطفالها و #شبابها و #قيادتها بالانتصار الجديد

Play Video


Her name is Jana: “Go from my land, you are TERRORISTS” 




Her name is Nagham (Tune)


Listen to Nagham reading her own poems


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Two awe-inspiring poems by child poet Nagham Sami El-Yaziji

(her names means Tune)

Translation (by Nahida Exiled)

Peace be with you, mercy and blessings
I am poet Nagham Sami El-Yazji
From Gaza,
But my native city is Yaffa
God willing, we will return to Yaffa

* * *

First poem (recited in Palestinian dialect)

I am eight

EIGHT years of bombing and destruction,

Fear and dispossession

I survived three wars

THREE wars

Each is more horrific than the previous

* * *

Is there a little girl, in this entire universe

who ever lived three wars, in such a brief age?

I was asleep, in the arms of mama and baba

Safe, tranquil and serene

Suddenly, they bombed our home

Our home is destroyed

My family were martyred

Mama died

Baba died

* * *
At night, who will embrace me when I hear the bombing?

Who will buy me Ramadan’s lantern?

Who will buy me Eid clothes?

* * *
I don’t want anything from you

I don’t want food, clothes or toys

All I want is safety, tranquility and peace

I want my family

I want my home, my beautiful memories

I want to sleep in serenity, wake up in serenity and play free

O world


Is that too much to ask?

Is that too much for me, a Palestinian child, to ask?


Nagham reads her second poem in Classical arabic

I am Naghamu

I am a child

The nectar of my dreams infuses my lungs with life

Love runs in my veins

I embroider my tears in my heart

To wear, a dress of sorrow

Swathing me with light of dawn

I am a child

I am Naghamu

* * *
People say, my name is a tune

People say, I am a song, soft and delightful

They didn’t know that phosphorus bombs have ignited our calm nights

They didn’t know that the bombing has created my first revolution

The revolution of my exiled father

The revolution of my childless grandmother

The revolution of our budding childhood

The revolution of our traumatised home

The revolution of our usurped neighbourhood

The revolution of our parched blood

* * *
What is my name?

What is the meaning of my name?

The relevance of my name?

When a nightmare is crushing my lungs

Without food, without a home, without a name

Without hope, without love, without a dream

* * *

What is my sin?

What is my sin? answer me

I, what did I… do?

What did I do?

* * *
Did I commit a crime for loving this universe, O mama?

Is my crime that I fell in love with this universe for a moment, mama?

I don’t adore it any more

How can I adore it without mama, without Muna, without Huda, without Rami?
I am Naghamu


I remember, Lema and Nour


Her name is Lema, listen to her whispers roaring



3 Responses

  1. You’ve got it in one. Conu’ldt have put it better.


  2. The Palestinian spirit is immortal!


  3. The last line says it all – ‘The Palestinian spirit is immortal’


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