It is Called Palestine

Political Disagreement is not a crime

Thinking independently is not a Sin

Striving for Liberation is not immoral or illegal

Instead of ostracising outspoken Palestinians, and silencing their voices which echo RESISTANCE and LIBERATION, genuine supporters should listen to Palestinians and ECHO their voices, they take the beast by its horns and and challenge the violence of Jewish “israelis” and their global network of support outside Palestine and across the globe.

They must STOP DEFENDING “Israel’s rights” to live in “peace” and “security” on STOLEN LANDS, and instead, try to PACIFY those USURPERS and their Jewish-Zionist international supporters.

They should allow PALESTINIANS to LEAD their OWN STRUGGLE for LIBERATION, without being accused of “antisemitism”.

People who care about the rape of Palestine and the plight of Palestinians, should once and for all realise that any advocacy of “israeli rights” to stay in a land they are attempting to utterly ruin, or to “coexist” with a people they are attempting to annihilate, such advocacy is betrayal of Humanity.

Once and for all, there is no coexistence with criminals of that level.
FULL LIBERATION is the only way to right the wrong of a century of Crimes Against Humanity

Our future is NOT entangled with theirs, because they as a collective have caused the near destruction in an entire region of the world for almost a century in ever greater murderous genocidal criminality. Individually and collectively, Jewish “Israelis” are accountable for past and ongoing Crimes Against Humanity. Legally and Historically, they will have to bear the consequences. The “golden times” of warmongering, land theft and assassination of children will soon be over.

We need ACTION that brings CHANGE not just collecting donations or symbolic gestures which makes one feel good, while leaving us stagnating, like hamsters running till exhaustion in a treadmill only to stay where we are.

The REAL STUFF which would bring an end to a century-old crime, is NOT a “Kum ba yah” song, oh let’s hug each other and lecture about “coexistence”, then miraculously fantasise that their bullets would molest our babies less aggressively, bombs would fall softer on our heads or our decades of excruciating pain of exile would suddenly taste sweeter.
We do NOT need to be “taught” how to be “humanists” with those who are tearing our bodies to pieces, poisoning our food and water, murdering our babies as we speak!

It is more than insulting to accuse REAL SEMITE Palestinians of “antisemitism”.

It is absolutely normal, nay, detrimental that Palestinians should be extra cautious when dealing with Jewish “supporters”, NOT because they are Jews, but because of the nature of the struggle; the possibility of mossad infiltration and the high probability of conflict of interest.

Our ultimate aim to Full Liberation of Palestine remains stronger than ever, and as it were this aim is aligned with utmost foundational aspects of International Law.

Yet infiltrators, sayanim and others, are working day and night to delete LIBERATION from the consciousness of Palestinians and their supporters, by implanting their “doves” at the heart of our Palestinian activist movement, inside and outside of Palestine.To contribute to the liberation of the discourse at first, our supporters may wish to expose the dirty trick consisting of limiting the choice to a false dichotomy, “one state, two state”.

Palestinians and our supporters may wish to bring back on the table the concept of Full Liberation, Return, Sovereignty over our Country as the only fair solution, and what is more the only long term feasible solution. We may want to be determined and forceful, by voicing Liberation amidst all circles of supporters, hammering it until it becomes again natural and evident, the way it is in reality.

Once supporters and public opinion start to listen to the Palestinians and their acute grievances due to a slow genocide committed against them, once supporters absorb the humanitarian concept of Liberation of Palestine, as a fair and necessary step to Peace and Prosperity in the Middle East and beyond, only then can Palestinians regain their faith in this western humanity who has abandoned and betrayed them.

Only then can Palestinians cease to succumb to the murdering machine aiming at pacifying them into obedient slaves.Only then will solidarity groups cease to fall for the poisonous lies brought to them by the Hasbara agents who talk “peace” while their fellows plan more theft and more murder.

Reviving the concept of Liberation must be accompanied with all types of support possible, including education, spreading awareness, call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, humanitarian aid, financial support, and above all, defending the right of Palestinians to DEFEND themselves and explaining to supporters and others that Resistance under such chronic murderous and brutal occupation is not only a legitimate right, but also a duty.

The first step of LIBERATION of Palestine starts by LIBERATING the DISCOURSE which begins with giving Palestinians a platform and LISTENING to their narrative.


3 Responses

  1. […]  by Nahida Exiled Palestinian […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jews and Christians in Palestine under Muslim rule –


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