WiFi to Heaven


Teaming with tranquility

Enchanted by the call of the Most Merciful

Whispers of serenity


How could such a soul ever waver

Or lose heart

At the sight of angry hungry wolves !


Nay, but the oppressors know not



Painting by Palestinian artist Imad Abu Shtayyah

6 Responses

  1. This is such a divinely inspired poem, Nahida, I’m in awe, your poem has trasported my soul to tranquility, serenity, to Ave Maria, which I happnened to be listening to when notice of your post came in.

    It’s played by the greatest violinist in the world, David Garrett, who is also gifted by the Most High, to transport souls’ to His abode via his gift of art… it is God’s glory that the oppressors know not, as you so poignantly write about, sing about, dance to gardenia jasmine about, dance the sacred dance of truth, justice, peace, and love of creation, oh yes, dearest Nahida, you play Ave Maria without a violin, with your soul, with your heart songs.

    I must also laugh here, because I’m not a Christain and the way I go on about Ave Maria, one would think I am! …although, when David Garret plays it on his Stradivarius violion, I could say I’m a Christian… true faith trancends religion and is within religion, true faith is soul to soul with Allah.

    Oh my, what a comment! I must sound drunk! I’ll have to send you the song and you can read your divine poem and perhaps the divine wine which your poem filled my glas with, will make sense out of this comment! lol


  2. […] by Nahida, the Exiled Palestinian […]


  3. I don’t understand why there was no ping back or whatever WordPress calls it when anothe blog links to a post, I did a post (same post as this one, different fonts and colour of fonts, that’s all) and named you as the author, of course, however, I don’t see a ping back to your most exquiste poem here, this is the link to the poem:

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Interestingly, I just discovered the name of this fine artist and joined his fans yesterday then found your poem accompanying another of his wonderful works.

    I am a follower of yours in FB.

    I have also just added this site to my Blogroll at my blog, Snippits and Snappits.

    All of your work is beautiful and so very appreciated; you encapsulate the gentle rebellious spirit of Palestine that the world so loves.


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