O World… . يا عالَم

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يا عالَم…

يا انسان…

يا خلق الرحمن

يا ابداع اللطيف الحنّان

صباح الخير رغم انف الشر

صباح الامل رغم انف الالم

صباح الورد رغم انف الاشواك

صباح العدل رغم انف الظلم

صباح النور رغم انف الظلمات

صباح النصر رغم انف القهر

صباح الحرية رغم انف العبيد

صباح الكرامة رغم انف الاحتلال

صباح الابتسامة رغم انف الدموع

صباح الفرح رغم انف الاحزان

صباح الحب رغم انف الفراق

احبكم في الله يا كُلّ الاخيار والطيبين في هذا العالم

2mm (6)

O world

O human

O creation of the Most Merciful

O masterpiece of the Most Compassionate, Most Sublime

Good Morning

A morning of goodness, despite the wicked

A morning of hope despite despair

A morning of roses despite thorns

A morning of justice despite suppression

A morning of light despite darkness

A morning of victory despite oppression

A morning of freedom despite slavery

A morning of dignity despite occupation

A morning of smiles despite tears

A morning of joy despite sorrow

A morning of love despite separation


World, and ALL good people in it …. I love you




At your Feet, Heaven Lies

Beloved Mother


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On the Road Again

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou

Poetry for Palestine

Palestine, Poetry, Truth-Seeking,

Centarsko - https://centarsko.com

The Only Place Where you can Find Extraordinary Jewelry and Fashion

the fragrance writer

perfume | emotion

Poetry collection

Work by Rain Alchemist

Shannie Alvarez

A Gentile with a Jewish Heart



Diary of an Aesthete

Follow the Journey ☩𓀙𓃦☉

Vinoth Ramachandra

IFES Secretary for Dialogue and Social Engagement

Global Justice in the 21st Century

commentary on global issues

James Perloff

formerly refugebooks.com


Email to ziegler.bill@gmail.com

| truthaholics

Exposing Truth Behind Media Spin

No Time to Think

The words, poems, stories and thoughts of award winning writer and journalist, Nic Outterside

Palestine Momentum

Writers For Palestine

مدونة عزت غيث

قوانين، مذكرات، مقالات المحامي عزت غيث مكتب المحامي عزت نصر غيث : عمان - جبل الحسين - دوار فراس - عمارة قدورة تلفون 0797900678 - 0788850180

Strings of Soulfulness

The strings of my life’s soulfulness in the beauty of eternity.

مدوّنة مريم

“Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.”


"İlahi Ente Maksudi ve Rızake Matlubi"

The question of Palestine

Palestine is still the question

لماذا غزة؟ Why Gaza?

An American searching for answers in the Middle East

Rehmat's World

"There is no compulsion in religion," - Holy Qur'an


The Climate Crises


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