Heaven Pools

When I was swimming with my grandson the other day, he kept on trying to drink from the pool water. I told him to be careful and not to drink that water because it contains chemicals. He stopped, but he looked utterly disappointed and unconvinced.

Every now and then I would catch him trying to lick the water again, so I would remind him.

We continued playing for a while, then suddenly he said: I wish I would die!
Shocked I asked: but habibi why?

He said: Because I want to be able to drink from the pool when I swim, and in heaven pools don’t have chemicals!

We Don’t Bow Down


So this is how they made the desert bloom?

Smudging our lives with colour of doom

Maim, slay, defame night and day

Choke our world charcoal and grey

Suck our joy with a mushroom cloud

Shred our smiles, devilish piercing sounds

Mutilate children with dead glazed eyes

Slash, tear and torture earth and skies

Then wonder why we are not grateful

Why don’t we shower them with love they so crave

What kind of thoughts go through their minds

Why so blind to truth before their eyes

Will they ever come to understand

Laws of nature never knows favours

No one above, no one below

Every action has an opposite reaction

Equal in measure, opposite in direction

Each and every soul reaps what it sows

Defiant we remain until we’re free

Scrape out the dust of war, no more grey

All shades of beauty, paint back our life

Rainbows in the sky, meadows lush and green

A day of jubilation, nothing like they’ve ever seen


Thank You for every flower I’ve ever seen

Thank you for every daisy I’ve come by

Thank you for every mama I’ve ever known

Thank you for every baby grin following a cry

Thank You for every smile I’ve ever had

Thank You for every tree I’ve ever climbed

Thank You for every hand that held my hand

Thank You for every hug that kissed my heart

Thank You for every tear ran down my cheeks

Thank you for every twinkle in my eyes

Thank you for every grain of sand

Thank you for every drop of rain ever fell down


Thank you for every star adorned the sky

Thank You for every stone laying by

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Thank you for every step ever had

Thank you for every prayer ever pronounced

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On the Road Again

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou

Poetry for Palestine

Palestine, Poetry, Truth-Seeking,

Centarsko - https://centarsko.com

The Only Place Where you can Find Extraordinary Jewelry and Fashion

the fragrance writer

perfume | emotion

Poetry collection

Work by Rain Alchemist

Shannie Alvarez

A Gentile with a Jewish Heart



Diary of an Aesthete

Follow the Journey ☩𓀙𓃦☉

Vinoth Ramachandra

IFES Secretary for Dialogue and Social Engagement

Global Justice in the 21st Century

commentary on global issues

James Perloff

formerly refugebooks.com


Email to ziegler.bill@gmail.com

| truthaholics

Exposing Truth Behind Media Spin

No Time to Think

The words, poems, stories and thoughts of award winning writer and journalist, Nic Outterside

Palestine Momentum

Writers For Palestine

مدونة عزت غيث

قوانين، مذكرات، مقالات المحامي عزت غيث مكتب المحامي عزت نصر غيث : عمان - جبل الحسين - دوار فراس - عمارة قدورة تلفون 0797900678 - 0788850180

Strings of Soulfulness

The strings of my life’s soulfulness in the beauty of eternity.

مدوّنة مريم

“Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.”


"İlahi Ente Maksudi ve Rızake Matlubi"

The question of Palestine

Palestine is still the question

لماذا غزة؟ Why Gaza?

An American searching for answers in the Middle East

Rehmat's World

"There is no compulsion in religion," - Holy Qur'an


The Climate Crises


Generating a fearless and humanising narrative on Palestine!


Palestinians are at the heart of the conflict in the M.E Palestinians uprooted by force of arms.. Yet faced immense difficulties have survived, kept alive their history and culture, passed keys of family homes in occupied Palestine from one generation to the next.

The Passionate Attachment

America's entanglement with Israel

Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

Blogging 4 Human Rights & Liberation of Palestine! فلسطين

Mystery Worshiper's Blog

Searching for churches where His law is Love and His gospel is Peace

The Slog

A Cognitive Dissident

Aletho News


John's Consciousness

Exploring our "Inner Evolution"