Chomsky and Palestine

JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs) concludes that the best way of defending “israel” and countering its de-legitimization is to allow and participate in its criticism.


“I regard myself as a supporter of Israel ~~ Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is a “cultural zionist” who endorses the Jewish Zionist conquest of Palestine: He wants a softer occupation, he does NOT condemn the creation of an alien entity on a land stolen, acquired by military conquest, genocide, terrorism and ongoing atrocities but just merely condemns some mistreatment of Palestinians that give his “israel”  he supports, a bad name and bad reputation.

The “master of linguistics”, the prominent scholar, Noam Chomsky, reputed for his accurate, articulate and precise use of correct vocabulary, uses carefully crafted, most suitable words to express his thoughts…. So when he describe the Palestinians as: “essentially caged animals”, what does that tell of him?

Would this “master of linguistics” ever use such words to describe Jews?

This is precisely the Zionist-Jewish hate vocabulary of choice when it comes to Palestinians: “animals”

Noam Chomsky‘s role as a gatekeeper (whether intentional or not) is to  deflect attention from:
CRIMES committed by the Jewish-Zionist global network including major false flag operations like 911.

He also deflects attention away from the supremacist ideologies of his tribe by pointing the finger at “imperialism”.

By pointing the finger at US’s crimes, he deflects attention away from the Jewish power inserted inside US governmental institutions, that shape its domestic and foreign policies virtually entirely, even against US self interest.

He is the guru of the Jewish Left, as well as the Left at large.

His influence on stifling the minds of many and framing the progressive liberal discourse should not be underestimated or ignored

Chomsky (the g-d of the Jewish left) is AGAINST  the full Liberation of Palestine, thereby arguably against the restoration of International Law. He cares more about the survival of “israel” and the normalization of the Jewish-Zionist project of conquest of Palestine than he cares about the Palestinians’ struggle for liberation.…

Obviously, Chomsky approaches the subject of Palestine from a compromised position, his loyalty is where his heart is, where his tribe is.

Chomsky and most so called Jewish “supporters” are dedicated to the preservation and continuation of the usurping, illegitimate and illegal entity called “Israel”

By their criticism of “Israel’s” behavior instead of its illegitimacy, they deflect from the core of the problem, which is the illegality of “Israel’s” very EXISTENCE, which came to be through TERRORISM, MASSACRES, WARS of CONQUEST and GENOCIDE, crimes ongoing to this day.

By criticizing “israel”, they hope to take the steering wheel from the Jewish “Israeli” right and mellow down the face of an exponential scale ROBBERY and TERROR, into a more acceptable face, which treats the residual Palestinians a teeny weeny better, while Jewish coreligionists KEEP the LOOT.

By easing the barbaric savagery and giving the few residual Palestinians some nominal “rights”, they hope that the International Community will not turn against “Israel” and its global jewish allies.

Both Right and Left (Zionists and anti-Zionists) are dedicated to the illegal preservation of “Israel”

This is the reason why the activity of some Jewish “supporters” can be so detrimental to the Palestinian cause. Their intentions are concealed, and are contrary to / Palestinian aspirations of Freedom and Liberation.

They help preserving and finalizing the Zionist project of KEEPING the LOOT, while providing backup and coverup for the world Jewry support of the openly aggressive Jewish Zionists’ colonization, shielding it against world outrage. Thus causing immeasurable harm to those whom they are pretending to be helping.

Such harm is difficult to discern and it is far more dangerous, because it subdues the victim and leads him to a bleak destiny with total submission, without any resistance.
Those whose individual identity is entangled with “israel” being and remaining a “State for Jews” no matter under what explanation, and no matter at what the cost, cannot be considered genuine supporters of Palestine.

Those individuals whose identity is entangled with “israel” being and remaining a “State for Jews” irrespective of any pretext or explanation, cannot be considered genuine supporters of Palestine, and logically can not be considered neither as genuine defenders of “Human Rights”, to the contrary.

Palestine was a peaceful country for centuries. Since over seventy years it is a country under destructive attack from a foreign Jewish collective unable to integrate peacefully and unwilling to adhere to even the most elementary rules of human cohabitation. The majority of world Jewry Left and Right has been the major overt support of these Crimes, while covert support by deflection and diffusion of resistance, has been provided by some Jews who in essence are accomplices and collaborators of the Crimes they feign to oppose.

Noam Chomsky is part of the latter.

The litmus test of sincerity would be their views with regards to Palestinians’ aspiration of FULL LIBERATION, FULL RETURN of our exiled Nation, and FULL SOVEREIGNTY by Palestinians over our Country.

5 Responses

  1. Great article, Nahida. A spot-on analysis of the insidious lie which is Chomsky’s (and his fellow travelers’ on the misnomed “left”) claim to be an advocate for Palestinian rights. I believe the same deceit underlies Pope Francis’ recent declaration of Vatican’s “recognition of Palestine,” praised by many. One cannot recognize Palestine and simultaneously recognize Israel. What Palestine is Pope Francis recognizing? How long do they think they can get away with the absurd notion of the “two-state solution”?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on HumanityAwakened.


  3. relocation of Jews to Birobidjhan will end the occupation & genocide since 1948.


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