Biography of an Odd-Soul

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A silent child I was

Hardly ever spoken

This girl is abnormally quiet, they whispered

She must be deaf or dumb

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In a world of my own

Mind running amok

Curious feral child

Up a fig tree, pomegranate or mulberry

Dreaming endlessly

Tantalized by a world of wonder

Bursting with questions

Dying for answers

How did it all begin?

Where is it heading?

And why?
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How many stars are there?

How come they don’t fall?

Why are shimmering?

Where do they go daytime?

What are sun and moon, doing up there?

What would we find at the edge of universe?

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Who I really am?

How come I can think?

Who is that talking inside my head,

When my lips are utterly sealed?

What am I doing here?

Where did I come from?

And most intriguing, why?

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Looking at ants, wow, I am gigantic!

From afar, the minaret is smaller than my little finger

Up a mountain, flabbergasted, O my O my

I am so tiny, the sky is so high
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Untamed child, with a stolen heart

Captured by a net, weaved of stars

A sky-gazer, fascinated by all

Every flying leaf, every passing breeze
Every living being, big or small
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My dad called me Elm, (knowledge in Arabic)

What do you want to be when you grow up

He asked one day

“A Philo-phoser”, certain, I replied

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At school, I would turn red-jam-jelly

When spoken to, or asked a question

Hence the nickname, Nena Red cheeks
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My friends would hang around a bit, then would move on

They want to chat, play and run

I want to sit still, let my mind meander, up above the clouds

Why sky is blue? what are these fluffs scattered below?

If I stretch my hands that far, would I find out what they really are?

A silent child I was, an odd-soul

To play with, apparently was not much fun
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Teenage years didn’t change much

My friends would be chattering and giggling away

When I draw near their chats would turn to whispers

To this very day, I have no idea what was going on

I knew they mentioned boys, but for heavens sake

Why was it so funny? what were the giggles all about?

A silent child I was, an odd-soul

To include in conversations, apparently wasn’t cool
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Bothered, I was most certainly not

In fact I was relieved

Too fascinated in my world of wonder

Vast and ever expanding

With this awesomeness, who would want some silly jokes anyway

A silent child I was, an odd-soul

A dreamer living a dream

Eden hues, supreme

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3 Responses

  1. Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on daninstockholm and commented:
    Beautiful work. Words of peace from Palestine.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Life is an endless series of unanswered questions. Reblogged here:

    Liked by 1 person

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