The Soul of Palestine in One Photo


In this article  about the photo above, the author concludes “there is nothing beautiful or poetic about the oppression of Palestinians”, which, taken in abstract, is a true statement, however, the author totally misses the point

This iconic photo is not representing the oppression of Palestinians, to the contrary!

This breathtakingly beautiful photo has captured the hearts and minds of Palestine supporters around the world because everything about it is exquisitely beautiful and fiercely poetic as it sums up in one glance the essence of Palestine and its people

Their spirit, courage, dignity, defiance, steadfastness, determination, resistance, altruism and hope against all odds, in the face of the most brutal oppression.

What makes this photo so endearing and captivating is the utter spontaneity !

No poses for the shoot, no makeup, no rehearsal, no tweaking, totally oblivious to camera lenses, to the outside world, to the consequences

Courage that defies logic

Indescribable love of the land

Untamed passion for freedom

Unfathomable will to sacrifice

All what matters is to stand up against oppression and to stop evil by all means possible ❤️

Thus, this iconic photo should be shown to every man woman and child in the world to inspire, uplift and energise if we, as a species, ever aspire for a better, fairer, kinder more humane world

Love Unbound



So, the other day my four years old grandson has a class in which parents / grandparents were invited to attend.

The theme of the lesson was about love, so the teacher read a story about love then asked the children to come one by one stand up and tell the class whom they love most and whom they would like to pray and say thank you for.

Some of the kids said mum some said dad, others said mum and dad when it was my grandson’s turn he stood up and said my whole family ♥️

Later that afternoon he told me “in fact I love every one on this planet earth” 

Just like my grandson, I do love everyone on this planet but I exclude the evil ones whom he is still unaware of


O Jerusalem ♥️


Along with millions of Palestinians and billions of Muslims, I am very fond of Al-Quds/ Jerusalem, madly in love with this soul-filled place where many cultures, civilizations, religions and races have met, intertwined, evolved and coexisted beautifully before the Jewish Zionist invasion and occupation of this idyllic city

The Talmudic tribal irrational, violent, exclusionist imposing narrative will never be able to usurp, pollute or disfigure Jerusalem.

Her mesmerizing beauty, exquisite charm, captivating presence, her history of openness and tolerance, her breathtaking organic architecture, her ancient schools, hubs of philosophy, innovation and wisdom, her arched flower covered windows, her domed homes, modest and serene, her embracing archways, her heavenly aroma, the smiling faces of her children, her fusion of colours, her vibrant alleyways, her crisp blue sky and her surreal enchantment will remain a great testimony of the truthfulness and reality of humanity’s ability to live by its great values taught by Jerusalem’s great teachers; celebrating intellect, valuing reason, cherishing rationality, yet dwelling in spirituality, rejoicing in adoration, embracing the stranger and loving thy neighbour as yourself

When the dust of Talmudic insanity and oppression is finally brushed away, Jerusalem will rise up again, dignified, compassionate and victorious and will forever remain a universal hub of rationality and morality combined, an oasis of earthly sensual aesthetics plaited with heavenly sublime inexplicable splendour reflecting Humanity at its finest insha’Allah

(Yes I know I am a little biased , but it’s OK, it is Jerusalem )


Morning Prayer


Dear Most Beloved Most Kind

Fill my heart with love

So it may embrace Your entire creation

Fill my world with flowers

So it may bloom in Your adoration

Fill my life with colour

So it may sing Your Sublime Beauty

Fill my eyes with tenderness

So it may be dazzled by Your Brilliance

Fill my day with laughter

So it may resonate in the vastness of Your cosmos

Fill my arms with loved ones

So it may rejoice in Your Compassion

Fill my home with friends

So it may celebrate Your boundless bequest

Fill my hands with kindness

So it may bounce off your Generosity



Fill my mind with wisdom

So it may spin in Your Magnificence

Fill my being with gratitude

So it may dwell in Your peace, serene

Fill my soul with poetry

So it may dance to Your Splendour



Before It’s Too Late



It is excruciatingly painful to miss out enjoying the exquisite beauty and splendour of loved ones and failing to see such wonders except after their departure

Gaze deeply in the eyes of your loved ones, try to explore their souls; the secrets of their hearts, the tenderness of their feelings, the meadows of their minds and the horizons of their thoughts before the light of their souls fades away, then frantically you gasp to see that spark again, if only for a moment, but all in vain!

قبل فوات الأوان


من المؤلم حقا ان يغيب عنا جمال وروعة تفاصيل من نحب فلا نراها الا بعد رحيلهم

تأمل جيدا في عيون أحبائك واسبر غور نفوسهم وتعرف الى خبايا قلوبهم ورقائق مشاعرهم ومروج عقولهم وآفاق أفكارهم قبل أن يخبو ضوء أرواحهم في المقل وتحاول حينها عبثا ان تتحسس ذياك البريق أو أن تراه من جديد ولو لوهلة دون جدوى


On the Road Again

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou

Poetry for Palestine

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Email to

| truthaholics

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No Time to Think

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مدونة عزت غيث

قوانين، مذكرات، مقالات المحامي عزت غيث مكتب المحامي عزت نصر غيث : عمان - جبل الحسين - دوار فراس - عمارة قدورة تلفون 0797900678 - 0788850180

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