Intellectual & Spiritual Imperialism


We came to “liberate” your women

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Of Life and Death



Materialists say:

Death is the End

Of all there is

Consciousness annihilated

Dreams, tears, struggles,

Kindness, morality, aspirations

Deleted… permanently

As if never existed

Thoughts, emotions, ideas, artistry

Love, laughter, memories, joys

Wiped out

Entirely… Eternally

Without a trace

Only matter exists

When a body dies it disintegrates

A lump of flesh

A pile of decaying compounds

The saint and the foe in the same hole

No feelings, no conscience, no loss no gain

No awareness, no future, no joy, no pain

People of faith say:

Death is nothing but a new beginning

A birth into a world supreme

Expansion of consciousness

Beyond time and space

Explosion of feelings, creativity and perception

Far beyond material experience or worldly restriction

A transformation from density of matter

To sublimity of the soul

An awakening to the majestic Truth

From the confinement of illusion

As if a mystic dance of subatomic particles

Constantly traveling, forever arriving

Perpetually swaying

Entangled in a mysterious web of duality

Yearning to the oneness of the Divine

A breathtaking journey, matter to wave, darkness to light

Life and death are intertwined

super imposed

A galactic twirl spiraling up in a glorious cosmic tale

Now, you !

 What do you say?

No Chance by Chance

Ignore the galaxies

Forget the universe

Please listen carefully
Let mathematics speak

For an “average sized” single protein
To form by chance
From a soup of amino acids
The probability is:

Not one in a million
Not one in a billion
Not one in a trillion
Not even one in zillion
Not one in zillion… zillion… zillion
Zillion… zillion… zillion

And I don’t even know what zillion is

The probability is:

One in 10ⁿ
(Where n=300 )

In mathematics
If the probability is < one in 10ⁿ
(Where n=150 )

It is accepted as a zero probability

But wait

This is not the end of the story

That is only just one humble protein

If we explore more:
One of the smallest bacteria ever discovered
Has 600 proteins

What about human cell?
Nucleic acids
And much much more

Not to mention RNA or DNA

All arranged in specific order

Complex structure

Harmonious function

Intricate proportions

Exquisite design

Don’t you think
Saying such perfection is accidental
Is a little bit OTT
How many chance, upon chance, upon chance

Could “science” rely upon

Or use as an excuse

To explain away the mastery of this mystery, we call Life

“Chance” is not an explanation to how

“Chance” is not an answer to why


This is not “chance”

This is BNO

Be in Awe


Nothing Left

I wept buckets last night

I have been investigating Chabad for several years now, after stumbling upon a word “neshomeh”, or “Jewish soul”

Chabad is a very large Jewish supremacist group, extremely wealthy, influential and powerful

Their ideology is held by many of the most influential Jews, like Rothschilds,  Netanyahu, Joseph Lieberman an Michael Chertoff

Chabad’s rebbe, Menachem Schneerson had a personal ambassador to the White House. He was also awarded the Gold Congressional medal, and his birthday is celebrated as the education day in USA for many years. He was also the man behind the introduction and adoption of Noahide Laws by USA government

Yesterday I found the proof of the LINK between CHABAD rebbe and SATANISM

Our world is ruled by satanists

That is the bottom line



My heart, heavy

My soul, hurting

In agony, I weep

Swallowed by a black-hole


Nothing left,

But a shadow of a weary soul

* * *

I knew there must be a link

Today, I had the proof

Her words, her words

Horrific beyond words

“Nothing left
I would scream
but there is no voice left
I would cry
but there is no tears left
I would fight
but there is no strength left”

* * *

O Most Sublime

Hear her cry

Hear my cry

Help us fight the good fight

Help us heal and help our Home

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Watch out for minute 35-36 in this video





Hampstead: Leaked Medical Reports End All Doubt About Sexual Abuse Claims






What a viscous “antisemitic” Palestinian apple, trying to bite the poor innocent knife and crunch its bones to pieces

Save the knife from being “ethnically cleansed”


Nahida Izzat's photo.
 *  *   *


Zionism is Jewish Nationalism

“israel” is the Jewish state

“israel” is committing Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity


All the above has absolutely nothing to do with Jews, Jewish people, Jewishness or Judaism

OK ?


Nahida Izzat's photo.

What Women Want ?!

In this poem I don’t claim to speak for ALL women, of course, I speak only from my own experience and perspective, and I use the word “women” not as a totality and generalization but as what is permissible by “poetic license”

Women want to be women

Confident with her femininity,  not a man-like being

Women want to dress like a woman, elegant, modest and serene

without being chastised or feeling devalued


Women want to be loving, caring and compassionate

Men around her are a father, a brother, a son, or a friend

Her companion is her love, not her “enemy”


Women want to complement man, not compete with him

Women want  cohesiveness not conflict

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Women want to create Life, care for Life,

Protect Life, cherish Life

Not destroy it


Women want to gaze at her newborn

with fondness and endless appreciation

Whisper to her soulmate:

this precious is made from us, for us, our very own miracle


Women want to hold her baby with adoration and devotion

Fill her CV with pride

Job: Mother

Not “Housewife” or “Unemployed”


Women want to play

Adorn the ambiance with joy and laughter


Twirl, glide, sway and dance

with her son or her daughter


Women want to be soft and tender like a petal of a rose

Ocean breeze on a hot summer day

Women want to feed the poor, offer bread to the hungry

Kiss the eyes, caress the tearful face of a little girl

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Women want to invade hearts not countries

Embroider of the sweetness of her soul

Mercy and kindness, a warm shawl

Wrap the weak, lonely, lost and vulnerable

Women want to plant love all around

Meadows of wild flowers,  scent of paradise

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Women want to spread her soul wings, fly up to heaven

For her beloved, flung its gates wide open

Sprinkle the steep way up with daisies, lilies, lilac and jasmine


Women want to open her arms wide and embrace the world

Women Want Wonders

Women Work Wonders

If only you could see


Inspired by:

The Death of Feminism  

Feminists lost their case when:

* They tried to improve women conditions and rights by mimicking men in appearance and behavior, instead of rejoicing in their femininity and cherishing it ( in doing so they subliminally were giving the message that in order to be as “good as men” you have to appear,work, joke and behave like a man, i.e being fully a woman is never good enough)

* furthermore, they waged a war of revenge on men, and distorted the natural loving relationship into one of conflict, jealousy and aggression, instead of understanding that the relationship with men is complementary reciprocal and harmonious, rather than one of friction and conflict

Anything will do, BUT…

Higgs Boson Seems To Prove That The Universe Doesn’t Exist


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First it was all an “accident”

Then it was millions upon trillions upon zillions of “coincidences”

Then it was all “purposelessness”

Then it was “denial of its existence” all together



Well, well, well

Anything will do

Any absurdity will do

Any amalgamation of words is a theory

Any theory is “science”

As long as

It does not mention a probability of

A Creator,

An Intelligent Designer,

An Awareness

And a meaningful purpose for it all

Got that?


For no particular reason? Come on

“Who am I?

Where did I come from?

What am I doing here?

And why?”


Getting “educated”:
Don’t you know your name?
You are “Anne Smith”, “Tom Foster”, or “Jimmy Brown”

You came to this earth from a mum and dad
And if you travel back in time
You’d unearth your ancestors…
A single dismal cell floating in a murky pool of mud

As to why: you came to stay for a while -for no particular reason-
To play… to learn… to work… to earn… to ache… to pain…

And -for no particular reason-
To suffer… and watch others suffer

Then -for no particular reason-
Only to fade away
Into few molecules
Beneath the ground


Bear in mind… in this crazy world there is only matter; nothing but matter
So nothing really matters
Who ever says otherwise is superstitious… credulous… insecure… irrational
In other words… nothing short of mad

Don’t waste your time philosophising
Chasing hopeless answers for pathetic questions
Seize the moment… grab every chance you can
To play… hunt pleasure… have fun
That is -in truth- the crux of the matter


“But… but… but what about this heart that sways inside?
Smaller than my fist… greater than the cosmos

What about my thoughts… my consciousness… my mind?
Preceding ancient history… travelling ahead of dreams… surpassing scopes of hope…
Transcending space boundaries…stretching beyond all time …

What about this love I foster?
Colour’s ever green… passion: forest deep…
Vigour: waterfall… taste: honey sweet
Width: ocean azure… length: sky high… breadth: world wide


Would the infinite turn into nothingness?

Would mayhem produce order and law?

Could oblivion bring into being awareness and consciousness?

And if it’s all purposeless, why live in agony… why exist in vain… why stay at all?”


Is it me standing on my head, or is the world upside-down?



Silent cries of babies dying pierce my ears

Deformed infants born, a nightmare called “life”

Corpses of bleeding whales paint the ocean pink

Lifeless grey trees, trunks chopped and dry

Bees falling dead “we don’t know why”!

Breathless sweet dolphins scattered by the seashore




Heavy nights descend like bricks

Hidden hands tighten around my neck

I’m breathing mud, I’m breathing sand

Is it just me standing on my head?

Or is everything around me, upside-down?




Destruction… “conquest” of nature

Radioactive waste… praised as accomplishment

Robbery in broad day light… a “Historic Achievement”

Progress… a family is no longer mum and dad

Liberty… measured in nudity per cm², put on display

Civilisation…  how many weapons  a nation could amass

Science… a tool of annihilation and a mushroom cloud

Charity… bailout of bankers adding to the trillions in their “empty” coffers

If we don’t give them that, our world would collapse… yes, collapse!

Economy… snatching the last piece of bread from a hungry destitute

Financial growth… interest goes up and up, while life goes down

Security… watching every move, recording every word, just to keep us “safe”

Technology… counting every breath, monitoring every dream only just in case

Defence…  watch out, every blink of an eye might be a “secret code”,

 Every social gathering could be a “sleeping cell”, call 999 only just in case


O dear Beloved God

How could such a small heart

Take all this pain



I don’t want to be here
I don’t want to take part
In this evil madness

All I want to be

Is a leaf on a tree

or a wild flower by the road side

Hide forever

Where no one could see

Look up into Heaven

Smile at angels as they pass by



Just a thought


Our quest for JUSTICE through our pursuit of TRUTH is what should keep our intentions pure and our actions noble.

Our passion for humanity, beauty, harmony and equality is what allows love to grow in our hearts unhindered.

Like the Holy Land that is Palestine, it shines with goodness through the pursuit of its people for spiritual truth and by existing in harmony with nature and the pace of nature.

What makes it Holy and so breathtakingly beautiful is its embrace of that which is organic, pure and natural.

Thus, when we align ourselves in full harmony with the epitome of Nature’s Divine Laws, i.e Balance outlined with Beauty, translated in human terms as Justice embraced with Compassion, we become one with all there is.

If we slip, however,  into following the deceptive and oppressive methods of those whom we oppose, we lose the battle and it would be our defeat.


On the Road Again

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou

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