About “antisemitism”- Truth and Falsehood

So, let me get this straight,

“Amalek hated Jews and wanted to annihilate ALL of them”

“Pharaoh of Egypt enslaved Jews and wanted to kill them ALL”

“Haman of Persia planned to kill ALL Jews”

“Hitler of Germany wanted to exterminate ALL Jews”

“Two Billion Muslims hate Jews and want to kill them ALL”

So, the entire world since the dawn of time has this inexplicable intrinsic “hatred” against Jews, for no particular reason ?

I.e the entire world is nothing but a bunch of hateful criminals, who are intrinsically evil, and only Jews are good who have always been the pure innocent victims of a mad world?


The claim that gentiles are innately “hateful antisemites” is not only wrong. It is OUTRAGEOUSLY RACIST, and OUTRAGEOUSLY ANTI-HUMAN.


The level of “anti-human RACISM” is surpassed by none.

They dare to accuse entire peoples and cultures and even mankind as whole, with being GENETICALLY “antisemites” by propagating such enormous FALSE accusation, rather than having an honest look at themselves.

“Anti-Semitism is part of Europe’s DNA”, they dare to say!


I, an exiled SEMITE Palestinian no longer willing to hear a word about “antisemitism”, for we have been at the receiving end of vehement antisemitism for over a century. Jewish Zionists and their global network of supporters are the most antisemitic group humanity have ever see. period

No longer should we tolerate to be subjected to, or fall for the vacuous accusation of the so called “antisemitism”.

Moreover, we are now demanding an exposure of the SUPREMACY and RACISM within Jewish IDEOLOGY.

We demand an END to the anti-gentilism within that ideology.

It is about time that supremacists are brought before mankind to answer for their anti-human, anti-gentile ideology, attitude and behaviour











5 Responses

  1. […] About “antisemitism”- Truth and Falsehood […]


  2. A few notes: 1) there are no Jews and the term is neither historically not regionally appropriate. You and I both know who and what they are And by which name they are known. 2) The hebrew/talmudists/rabbinicals/molesters were never in ancient Egypt. Moses was not ‘moses’ but was Akhenaten. Upon his failed attempt to bring in one Lord, he fled Egypt with his followers, ub, none of whom happened to be from among the molesticious crew. Talmudist scribes wrote themselves into Egyptian history two millennia later. Filth and thieves, nothing more, and certainly much less. Cripies, they aren’t even from the purported biblical lands, nothing more than a ragged band of tent beggars and thieves from southern Saudi Arabia/northern Yemen chosen by a lesser angry gOD to promote a con and vendetta against his superior brother.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. […] Nahida Exiled Palestinian | Poetry for Palestine  […]


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