May I Go Back, a Child


I want to go back, a child,
A child who does not read newspapers, nor listen to news
Does not know wars, ignorant in the art of worrying,
Does not master politics nor write poetry
I want to go back, a child,
Playing in the folds of history,
Hiding beneath a bird’s wings
I want to go back, a child forgotten by time,

Left behind, never to be seen again


I want to go back a child, lost her way to tomorrow,
Distracted by flowers and fairies
Racing to the river to throw pebbles,

Rolling down hills, climbing trees and valleys
Gathering za’ater and basil leaves for grandma’s dinner
Then running back home for bedtime story


Bathe her rag-doll in summer dew,

Embroider her a nightdress with a thread of stars,
Adorn her hair with a rainbow wreath
In her heart whisper a lullaby
Rock a bye baby, may you fall asleep,
Tranquil and serene
Blessed the Most Sublime, how glorious the gift of life
Let her sleep, let her sleep, a pair of doves, waiting for her
Fly away little doves, but not for long,
Come back and sing for my beloved so she may fall asleep


Of water and clay make a dough, bake with loves and olive oil,
So my sweetheart may in the morning eat
Pick some grapes and prickly pears
Eat sweetheart, our land is generous, our sky is wide,
Our world, is magic, our life an astounding journey


I want to go back, a child,
Stacking stones, build palaces out of sand
Verandas for homes with windows vast and tall,
No fences around, no borders or walls
Galloping down the stream at the crack of dawn
An untamed dame, riding a golden horse
To rescue the captives in dungeons below


I want to go back, a child,
Swaying in her grandma’s thobe
Carpet of poppies, splash of daisies and dandelions
A whiff of jasmine, mint and vine,
Plaiting her hair with sapphire and a moon
Wearing mother’s bracelet, mischievous joy,
Then, hiding behind the curtain, not to be chastised

I want to go back, a child,
A child who does not read newspapers, nor listen to news
Does not know wars, ignorant in the art of worrying,
Does not master politics nor write poetry
I want to go back, a child,
Playing in the folds of history,
Hiding beneath a bird’s wings
I want to go back a child, forgotten by time,

Left behind, never to be seen again


O time, be kind

Hold this fragile heart in tenderness,
For it has melted of compassion, for those in pain

Crushed yearning for peaceful past days

I want to go back, a child, sleeping like a baby,
Waking to songs of swallows and nightingales

Not sounds of bombs, wars and threat of wars
O Grace, Most Merciful, Most Sublime

Take this broken heart,
Split asunder,

Scatter its dust over this justice-parched globe

Spring water, sweet and healing

To an ebbing gasping Home


عسى أن أعود


اريد ان اعود طفلة لا تقرأ الجريدة… لا تسمع الاخبار

لا تعرف الحروب، لا تتقن الهموم، لا تفقه السياسة لا تكتب الاشعار

اريد ان اعود طفلة في ثنايا الدهر ملعبها، ومخباها بحضن الأطيار

اريد ان اعود طفلة نسيها الزمان، ودونما التفات، مضى بلا انتظار


اريد ان اعود طفلة اضاعت طريق الغد وتاهت مع الحور في عالم الابرار

تنافس الصبيان في رمي الحصى وتدحرج الجبال وتسلق الاشجار

في لعبة العريس والعروس تنثر الريحان، تلهو مع الخلان توزع الادوار


تهدهد في احضانها دمية لكي تغفو بلا خوف من الاشرار

وكي تقر عينيها، تهمس في القلب الرقيق، تبارك الرحمن، ما أجمل الصغار

“يللا تنام يللا تنام، لاهديلها طير الحمام، روح يا حمام لا تطول، غني للغالية تتنام”

تحيك لها ثوباً من النجمات، بلون الطيف، بسحر نسائم الصيف، ندىً… دفئاً… أنوار


تعجن من التراب فطائر الزعتر بالزيت والزيتون كي تشبع العروسة في ساعة الافطار

تقطف لها الرمان والبرقوق والتفاح والاجاص والخروب والصبار

كلي يا حبيبة فأرضنا سخية والسما رحيبة … دنيانا أحلى مشوار


طفلة تصفف الاحجار، تبني من الرمل قصورا، وعلالي لبيوت ما لها اسوار

تقطف ثمار التين واللوز مع الفجر ومن مياه البير أو نبعة الوادي تملا الجرار

وتمتطي جوادها الذهبي، لتنقذ أميرة القلعة الاسيرة، كفارس مغوار


تلملم جدائل شعرها المنكوش، تزينه ببعض الماس بالياقوت بالمرجان بالاقمار

ترتدي سوار امها في بهجة، تختبي من الملامة، في خفة خلف الستار

تتمايل نشوى بثوب جدتها العتيق، بعبق التين والياسمين ولون المرج والحنون والازهار


اريد ان اعود طفلة لا تقرأ الجريدة… لا تسمع الاخبار

لا تعرف الحروب، لا تتقن الهموم، لا تفقه السياسة لا تكتب الاشعار

اريد ان اعود طفلة في ثنايا الدهر ملعبها ومخباها

اريد ان اعود طفلة نسيها الزمان، ودونما التفات مضى بلا انتظار


حنانيك يا دهر رفقاً بذلك القلب الرهوف، انه قد ذاب شوقاً لايام سعد قصار

اريد ان اعود طفلة تغفو ملأ عينيها، وتصحو مع عصافير السنونو، لا على قصف ودمار

حنانيك خذ قلبي المكلوم واطحنه دقيقاً، خذه وانثره ملحاً اوشرابا، فالارض ظمأى لعدل البارئ الغفار


Death by Music

To have a roof above your head,  dance to their tune 

To feed your family, dance to their tune

To find a job, dance to their tune 

To keep your job, dance to their tune

To get medicated, dance to their tune

To travel abroad, dance to their tune

To polish reputation, dance to their tune

To get good references, dance to their tune

To avoid prison, dance to their tune

To breath, dance to their tune

To stay alive, dance to their tune 

Yes, rejoice and keep dancing

What is left of you?

A lifeless, miserable corpse, emaciated

A sac of skin, filled with doom and gloom

Rattling bones, dancing to their tune

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حكاية عشق ابدية


ذات ليلة مخملية سمراء مقدسية

دنا القمر من القمر

تعانق القمران

وبلهفة العشاق تبادلا النظرات والأشواق


همس البدر في اذن من يهوى

كفكفي الدموع يا حبيبة

قد أطَّ لمرآها عرش الرحمن

ولآهاتك الحرَّى المهيبة

اهتزت الأكوان


بالامس يا أحبتي

روى لنا الدهر حكاية

عن كونٍ هام بقمرٍ

عن قصة عشق ابدية

بين الخالق والمخلوق

بين الارض وبين السما

طأطأت رؤوسها الكواكب وسجدت النجوم

بين الصخرة والفردوس

قد مد حبل من نور


هنا قبَّلت الثرى الثريا

هنا صلى الانبياء

هنا عهد هنا وعد

هنا سعد وحبور


هنا طافت ارواح الشهدا

مع قرع للطبول

هنا ترتيل الملائك

تقتفي اثر الرسول


هنا صوت الحق يعلو

وهنا الباطل يفنى

وظلام الظلم يُمحى

هنا جبر للكسور

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Eternal Love Story


Once upon a velvet night … A Jerusalemite night

The moon approached the moon

Two moons embraced

Like, true lovers, they gazed and exchanged tenderness


The moon whispered to his beloved’s ear

Sweetheart, let me dry your tears

Your tears shook the Throne of the Most Sublime

Your dignified sighs shattered the cosmos


Yesterday, my beloved

Epoch told us a story

About a Universe

Who fell in love with a moon

A never ending love story

Between Eternal and mortal, Infinite and finite


Heaven and Earth entwined

Planets bowed down, and stars prostrated in awe

Between a rock and Paradise

A rope of light unfurled


Here, galaxies kissed earth

Here, prophets prayed in adoration

Here, an oath… Here, a promise

Here, joy, bliss and delight


Here, souls of martyrs flew above

Buoyant, to drumbeats below

Here, the chanting of angels

Following footsteps of the messenger


Here, the sound of truth is loud and powerful

Here, falsehood is defeated

Here, darkness of oppression does not stand a  chance

Here, hearts are consoled, wounds are healed

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This love I have for you

Holds me, lifts me, carries me through

When all is dark

When pain is deep

When love is scarce

When friends are few

This love I have for you

Holds me, lifts me, carries me through


In Awe !

In Awe, and Awesome Wonder, I Bow and Pray



A Refugee

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I too, was once a refugee

Shipped away in a truck

Wearing two dresses and jumper

In the heat of summer June


Fearing for her children,

Mama, ran away with four daughters

The oldest was seven and new born baby boy

Thousands upon thousands, fleeing for safety


Unlike many, I survived the bombing

Unlike many, didn’t drown at sea

Day after day, I waited to go home

Listening to the news, ever since

Hoping to hear “Palestinians, time to return”


A refugee in Libya, stranger in a strange land

Teacher asked, “where are you from?”

Full of pain, guilt and shame

I couldn’t pronounce the name


Lips sealed, and mouth dried out

I trembled and cried, sobbed out loud

Palestine, Palestine, Palestine

Raged in my anguished brain

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Living on donation and UN aid

Flour and oil and sardine cans

Used clothes and shoes with holes

Too much to bear, for self-respecting souls


Children too, weep loss of dignity

Rob of homeland and rape of identity

Children too ache of humiliation

Of having no place to call home


When Words are Abused


Isn’t it absurd that some of the so called Jewish “israeli peace activists” leave the racist, violent and supremacist community of Jewish “israelis” to brew in their violent narcissistic delusions of “chosen-MESS’ and “divine entitlement” and come to Palestinians to preach “love, peace, equality and coexistence” !

Crypto Zionists in sheep clothing blather much about “love”, “peace”, “equality” and “coexistence”, and they shun, block and try to isolate Palestinians who talk about liberation or mention the word resistance.

Crypto Zionists in sheep clothing don’t want to see Jewish “israelis” prosecuted for their crimes, evicted from land they violently usurped or dispossessed from property they forcibly stolen at gunpoint, let alone seeing them hurt by Palestinian resistance.

Those gatekeeper who are not ashamed of defending the “right” of Jewish “israelis” to live in “peace and security”, while at the zenith of their brutality and barbarity, burning babies alive and chopping infants to pieces, will defend them even more when the real fight is on, and when their brethren face the possibility of prosecution or retribution.


“There is NO “equality” and “coexistence” between serial killers and their victims

No “equality” and “coexistence” between the raped and the rapist

No “equality” and “coexistence” between the oppressed and their oppressors

No “equality” and “coexistence” between robbers and those whom they robbed

These very beautiful words have been abused in order to protect the future of Jewish “israeli” USURPERS and to enable them to REMAIN on STOLEN land UNPUNISHED while KEEPING the LOOT

Love… Peace… Equality… Coexistence

These seemingly innocent words have been utterly misused in the context of Palestine.

Gatekeepers, who are interested in protecting the future of Jewish “israelis” and in ensuring they live in security and prosperity on STOLEN lands, use this word as means of perception management, to create a false paradigm in which the world is duped into thinking that “israelis” have a “right” to stay on a land they utterly looted, destroyed and disfigured. Their aim is to offer and prepare for a cruel “solution” in which mass murderers are protected and absolved from facing prosecution and armed robbers are shielded from GIVING BACK stolen lands and property, and from paying COMPENSATION and from the RESTITUTION of Palestinian land to its RIGHTFUL OWNERS.

Gatekeepers do NOT belong to the Palestinian camp of LIBERATION, they belong to the camp of violent supremacist Jewish invaders.

For example, look at the mission statement of “Humanity for Palestine” H4P, (created by world banker Peter Cohen, who played naive and changed it when it was exposed)


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How to recognise gatekeepers?
Gatekeepers often insist that Jewish “israelis” have “legitimate claims and concerns” and have the “right” to live in “peace and security” on lands they have STOLEN

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The litmus test to discern real supporters of Palestine:

1) Support of FULL LIBERATION of Palestine

2) Support of FULL RIGHT of RETURN of Palestinians

3) Support FULL RESTITUTION, REPARATION and COMPENSATION for seven decades of ethnic cleansing and slow genocide

4) Support of Palestinian RESISTANCE in all its forms

5) Support of PROSECUTION of Jewish “israeli” criminals



Islamic Call to prayer in a Church

On the Road Again

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou

Poetry for Palestine

Palestine, Poetry, Truth-Seeking,

Centarsko -

The Only Place Where you can Find Extraordinary Jewelry and Fashion

the fragrance writer

perfume | emotion

Poetry collection

Work by Rain Alchemist

Shannie Alvarez

A Gentile with a Jewish Heart


Diary of an Aesthete

Follow the Journey ☩𓀙𓃦☉

Vinoth Ramachandra

IFES Secretary for Dialogue and Social Engagement

Global Justice in the 21st Century

commentary on global issues

James Perloff



Email to

| truthaholics

Exposing Truth Behind Media Spin

No Time to Think

The words, poems, stories and thoughts of award winning writer and journalist, Nic Outterside

Palestine Momentum

Writers For Palestine

مدونة عزت غيث

قوانين، مذكرات، مقالات المحامي عزت غيث مكتب المحامي عزت نصر غيث : عمان - جبل الحسين - دوار فراس - عمارة قدورة تلفون 0797900678 - 0788850180

Strings of Soulfulness

The strings of my life’s soulfulness in the beauty of eternity.

مدوّنة مريم

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