أغنية روح




 روحي جنة روحي جنة
بها أشجارٌ
بها انهارٌ
بها ازهارُ
فلك الشكر ولَك الحمد
يا ذَا المنة

 * * *

روحي جنة روحي جنة

بها أقمارٌ
بها اطيارٌ
بها اسرارُ
ما أكرمك يا ذَا المنة


My soul is a heaven
With trees, rivers and flowers
Praise and gratitude
To You Most Kind
My soul is a heaven
With moons, birds and secrets
How generous of You, Most Kind

من تكوني؟


يا قدسُ . . . . قد حيرتني

يا قدسُ  من تكوني؟

أطهُر الطفولة أنت

أعطرُ الجنان أنت

أربيعُ الكون أنت

أفجرُ الأمانيّ أنت

أندى النرجس أنت

* * *

أبسمةُ حبيبي أنت

أدمعةُ جدّي أنت

أثوبُ جدتي أنت

أحضن أبي أنت

أرغيفُ أمي أنت

أضحكة أخي أنت

أعيني أختي أنت

أتغريد السنونو أنت

* * *

أصدقُ النبوة أنت

أروحُ الملائك أنت

أقلبُ القلوب أنت

أزهرةُ المدائن أنت

أعشقُ النسّاك أنت

أدربُ الصالحين أنت

أسَكَنُ السكينة أنت

أمحرابُ العابدين أنت

أمقبرةُ الظالمين أنت

أمنبت الحنون أنت

أأرض المرابطين أنت

أمحضن الشهداء أنت

أملتقى العائدين أنت

أحبلُ السماء أنت

أبابُ الجنة أنت

أوعد ُ الاله أنت

أسرُّ الأسرار أنت

أقدسُ  الأقداس أنت

أنقطة عناق الأرض للسماء أنت


يا قدسُ . . . . قد حيرتني

بربك هلّا  شفيت غليلي وهلّا  أجبت

Who Are You?


* * *

O Jerusalem . . . You perplex me

O holy Jerusalem, who are you?

Are you the purity of childhood?

Are you the scent of Heaven?


Are you the spring of  Universe?

Are you the dawn of hope?

Are you the due of narcissus?

* * *

* * *

Are you the smile of my beloved?

Are you the tear of my grandfather?

Are you the dress of my grandmother?

Are you the embrace of my father?

Are you the loaf of my mother?

Are you the giggle of my brother?

Are you the eyes of my sister?

Are you the singing of nightingale?

* * *
* * *

Are you the truth of prophethood?

Are you the soul of angels?

Are you the heart of hearts?

Are you the flower of all cities?

Are you the love of monks?

Are you the pathway of the righteous?

Are you the home of serenity?
Are you the retreat of worshipers?
* * *
* * *

Are you the graveyard of the oppressors?

Are you the place where poppies bud?

Are you the land of the steadfast?

Are you the abode of martyrs?

Are you the meeting place of returnees?

Are you the key to eternity?

Are you the gateway to paradise?

Are you the promise of God?

Are you the secret of all secrets?

Are you the holiest of holies?

Are you the spot where earth kisses Heaven?

O Jerusalem . . . You perplex me

For God’s sake console my soul and answer me

* * *



Be Aware… Beware

My beloved Palestinian brothers and sisters
My beloved world supporters

After they threw us in abyss for nearly three decades spinning in the mirage of “peace” and “peace process”, meanwhile they were able to tighten their grip, steal more land, multiply the number of settlers, anchor the second generation in our land and destroy all neighbouring states with potential threat to them.

After they have altered the situation on the ground beyond recognition, they are now attending the next stage, which will be in my opinion far more dangerous than ever before

After Zionism achieved its goals in the establishment of a national homeland for Jews of the world, and in the name of the lie ‘equality, peace and stability, prosperity and love’ they are now moving to the final stage of their supremacist destructive tribal colonial project, the phase of ‘renouncing Zionism’ by taking off the robe of discrimination and wearing the garment of purity and chastity so that they can finally enjoy what they have looted with our blessing and without any resistance.

Their new project, cooked in the kitchens of the Israeli academic left, the so-called renunciation of Zionism and the overthrow of the system of the right-wing Israeli state in order to preserve the gains of six million Israeli Jews and protect them from any future legal prosecution for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, for a period of over seven decades.

The purpose is to remain safe and secure in the land they have raped and distorted its landscape, “equals” amongst the people whom they soaked in their blood for decades, without mercy or humanity.

Their new project, in which we are presented with poisoned honey, is the renunciation of the crusts and the retention of the heart, as a snake does, shedding away its old skin only to grow bigger, stronger and more savage.

It is the so called One Democratic State, ODS

The goal of this mined step, in which mercy and justice are claimed to be the intention, is to enable six million foreign invaders and occupiers to stay on the stolen land forever and to retain what they looted and raped, but with the consent and blessing of those who they oppressed and with the preservation and protection of the law.

My beloved brothers and sisters

Be Aware… Beware

حذار حذار


حذار حذار

اخوتي واخواتي وأبناء وطني الاحبة
بعدما ألقونا في غيابة الجب ما يقارب عقودا ثلاثة ندور في منظومة ‘السلام’ السرابية بينما تمكنوا هم خلالها من احكام قبضتهم وسلب مزيد من الاراضي ومضاعفة عدد المستوطنين وتثبيت الجيل الثاني لهم في ارضنا السليبة وتفتيت وتدمير ما تبقى حولنا من دول

بعدما تم لهم تغيير الأحوال على ارض الوقع هم الان يحضرون للمرحلة القادمة والتي ستكون في نظري اخطر مما سبق بكثير

وبعدما حققت الصهيونية العالمية أهدافها في إقامة وطن قومي ليهود العالم وباسم كذبة ‘السلام والاستقرار والازدهار والمحبة’ ينتقلون الان الى المرحلة الاخيرة من مشروعهم الاستعلائي الاستعماري التدميري الا وهي مرحلة ‘نبذ الصهيونية’ وخلع رداء التفرقة ولبس لباس الطهر والعفاف ليتمكنوا اخيراً من الاستمتاع بما سلبوه دونما تنغيص أو مقاومة تذكر

مشروعهم الجديد الذي طبخ في مطابخ اليسار الاسرائيلي الأكاديمي هو ما يسمى بنبذ الصهيونية وإسقاط النظام المتمثل في الدولة الإسرائيلية اليمينية من اجل حفظ مكاسب ستة ملايين يهودي إسرائيلي وحمايتهم من أية مقاضاة قانونية مستقبلية على ما ارتكبوه من جرائم حرب وجرائم ضد الانسانية على مدى سبعة من العقود وتمكينهم من البقاء في ارض اغتصبوها وشوهوا تضاريسها وولغوا في دم شعبها دونما انسانية او رحمة

مشروعهم الجديد الذي دس فيه السم بالعسل هو نبذ للقشور والاحتفاظ باللب، كما تنسلخ الافعى من جلدها القديم لتنمو تكبر، إنه ما أطلقوا عليه اسم دولة ديمقراطية واحدة ODS
One Democratic State

الهدف من هذه الخطوة الملغومة التي ظاهرها فيه الرحمة وباطنها فيه العذاب هو تمكين ستة ملايين غاصب استعلائي من البقاء على الارض والاحتفاظ بما اغتصبوه ولكن برضى ومباركة المظلومين وبحفظ ورعاية القانون

اخوتي الاحبة الوعي الوعي

وحذار حذار

I Came From There


I came from there
There I belong
Where babies can fly
And prayers have wings
Where poppies dance
And angels do sing

I came from there
Where rainbow souls
With stardust tails
Float in the sky
Despite the curfews
Dazzling, their joy

I came from there
Where skies rain bombs
As air stops breathing
Families hold hands
Bathing in love
Tranquil serene

I came from there
Where furious evil
Rages with hate
Humanity’s saviours
Shining in beauty
Steadfast remain

I came from there
While others watch
Stunned and bemused
My people ascend
Peeking through veils
Where time no more

I came from there
Where truths are born

Infinity meets naught
Miracles are norm
Where loss is gain
And less is more

I came from there
Where prophets still praying
Where children play
On sacred mountains
Splashing their feet
In holy springs

I came from there
Where eyes can hear you
Where tears have smiles
And grins do weep
Where stones have feelings
And martyrs live, forevermore

I came from there
There I belong
Where life is death
And death means life
Where God dwells
Thus sings my soul

On the Road Again

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou

Poetry for Palestine

Palestine, Poetry, Truth-Seeking,

Centarsko - https://centarsko.com

The Only Place Where you can Find Extraordinary Jewelry and Fashion

the fragrance writer

perfume | emotion

Poetry collection

Work by Rain Alchemist

Shannie Alvarez

A Gentile with a Jewish Heart



Diary of an Aesthete

Follow the Journey ☩𓀙𓃦☉

Vinoth Ramachandra

IFES Secretary for Dialogue and Social Engagement

Global Justice in the 21st Century

commentary on global issues

James Perloff

formerly refugebooks.com


Email to ziegler.bill@gmail.com

| truthaholics

Exposing Truth Behind Media Spin

No Time to Think

The words, poems, stories and thoughts of award winning writer and journalist, Nic Outterside

Palestine Momentum

Writers For Palestine

مدونة عزت غيث

قوانين، مذكرات، مقالات المحامي عزت غيث مكتب المحامي عزت نصر غيث : عمان - جبل الحسين - دوار فراس - عمارة قدورة تلفون 0797900678 - 0788850180

Strings of Soulfulness

The strings of my life’s soulfulness in the beauty of eternity.

مدوّنة مريم

“Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.”


"İlahi Ente Maksudi ve Rızake Matlubi"

The question of Palestine

Palestine is still the question

لماذا غزة؟ Why Gaza?

An American searching for answers in the Middle East

Rehmat's World

"There is no compulsion in religion," - Holy Qur'an


The Climate Crises


Generating a fearless and humanising narrative on Palestine!


Palestinians are at the heart of the conflict in the M.E Palestinians uprooted by force of arms.. Yet faced immense difficulties have survived, kept alive their history and culture, passed keys of family homes in occupied Palestine from one generation to the next.

The Passionate Attachment

America's entanglement with Israel

Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

Blogging 4 Human Rights & Liberation of Palestine! فلسطين

Mystery Worshiper's Blog

Searching for churches where His law is Love and His gospel is Peace

The Slog

A Cognitive Dissident

Aletho News


John's Consciousness

Exploring our "Inner Evolution"