Temple of “Israel”

Before proceeding to watch the videos, a small piece of advice might help you cope with the contents and with surviving the aftermath of exposure to such “radiant brilliance”:

Sit in a nice cozy corner, dim the light, snug your favourite cuddly toy, shake off any tensions, relax your body and empty your mind of any negative or positive thoughts… keep it minimalistic; bare and clean.

While watching be careful, try not to exercise any of your mental muscles. Remember to stay as dumb and slow as you possibly can.

Be vigilant, don’t surrender to “fake clues”  that might appear on the way; remember, the first video has absolutely “nothing” to do with the second or third clips, nor does it have anything to do with this presentation. Any temptation to find “non-existing” links is doomed to failure.

The three videos are utterly completely and unequivocally unrelated. It is by sheer coincidence that they landed on the same page here. In real life, their relationship is like chock and cheese.

Any “far-fetched” thoughts or “pipe-dream” ideas about a somewhat “relationship” of some sort will grant you one of these titles: conspiracy theorist, delusional-paranoid, hateful anti-Semite. Be safe, stay far far away.

Do not try to link any dots, see any connections between anything or anything else, and most importantly, do not draw any conclusions.

Do not try to remember or ever mention the ideology of the founders of Hollywood as per the first video, nor the disproportionate over-representation. Such information is of no interest to anyone at all. Rather, it is actually irrelevant and useless, bordering on being detrimental/ dangerous, because of its negative affect on equal opportunity and community cohesion.

Keep in mind that it is absolutely perfectly OK that a specific small minority group gets the monopoly of this magnitude over such a “useless” branch of entertainment. Nothing wrong with that.

If some questions pop up involuntarily in your head, resist their pushiness by all means possible. Sit in another quiet place, take deep breaths and as you inhale keep repeating calmly: I see no links, I hear no evidence, I speak no offence.

Be reassured that such kind of “innocent” entertainment has absolutely “zero” influence on the minds of the youth who watch it. It has been made purely for “fun”.

Such “civilized”, highly “evolved” “fine art” should not be linked or accused of influencing the depleted state of mind, the spiritual vacuous conception, the violent behaviour of today’s youth, nor should this refined form of entertainment be linked to the arousal of fear from, and hatred of Islam and Muslims. Such thoughts are extremely offensive for its hazardous nature. Mute and suppress that type of “irresponsible” “uncivilized” thoughts in the cradle.

Now watch with care



World. . . Be Warned

When you wake up one day


Into your nightmare



When you hear hordes of lunatics call for war

When freaks shriek “Apocalypse Now”


When Luciferians shout: “End it All… End it all”


When you hear our planet sobbing



When the oceans cry of pain


When Cain kills Abel many times over



When our children lose their compass



When excited and delighted as they play soldiers



When their inspiration “shoot and kill”


When they see blood, a type of humour

and horror movies called entertainment

When their lives have no meaning


When hues of violence thrive and prosper



When abrasion called beauty


When mutilation praised as fashion

Inflicting harm becomes “my choice”


Hurting self is a form of “art”


Hurling insults is “my freedom”


When babies are used to sell and buy



When toddlers tricked into molestation


When innocent girls are sexualized

When their purity is vandalized


When truth-seekers are chastised


When being dumbed down is glorified



When truth-tellers… ostracized


When the righteous criminalized


Then hear me O World


Await the hurricane



Let it not be forgotten

The darker the night

The closer is the dawn



Rainbows always come

After the storm


What Really Matters!

When all gets dark

And life loses its colours
When evil tightens the grip

And the wicked leads the way

When fall falls before its time

and frost grows around
When your heart is torn and worn,

and you feel like throwing it away

Don’t give up, just wait a little while,
Turn your back
Close your eyes and
Remember what you have forgotten
Try to find if you’ve lost, 
Apologize if you’ve hurt,
Forgive if you have been hurt,
Caress if you’ve been deprived,
Pursue, if you have dream
Share if you’ve been bereft,
Giggle if you’ve been aggrieved,
Embrace if you’ve been shun,
Give if you’ve been denied,
Excel if you’ve been scorned,
Feed if you’ve tasted hunger
Rejoice if you’ve felt somber
Accompany those who know

Hold on tight to those you love,

Cherish those who care for you,

Because life is too short
and it is full of wonder


Hijacking and Steering BDS Movement




“The BDS clearly changed its goal statement.”

“BDS has given up on the most essential and crucial  Palestinian principles.”

  • BDS mission statement which many organizations have endorsed in 2005 reads:


“1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall”

  • BDS mission statement of TODAY reads:

“1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall”

“Another clue comes from BDS Campaign founder Omar Barghouti‘s
book, Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for
Palestinian Rights. In the introduction, Barghouti describes the goal as
some Zionist right wing sources name George Soros and his Open Society Institute
as helping to fund BDS and some of its member organizations.  We know
that Soros is a “soft” Zionist and wants to preserve a Jewish state.  Is
his funding
or that of any other funding organizations a reason for the change in
the mission statement?  A full disclosure of funding sources and
amounts, as well as any and all conditions of funding is needed.  In
addition, the use of those funds, including line item amounts, is needed
in order to demonstrate accountability.”


This is what happens when “pro-Palestinian” organizations gets dominated by “anti-Zionist” who foster unspoken sympathy with “Israeli” Jews. They can -and they do, dominatemanipulate and steer  in order to change the aims of Palestinians and of our pro-Palestinian organizations hoping to cause least harm and to protect the future of today’s mass murderers.

They influence Palestinian leadership, they select and promote those who are mailable and influenceble and campaign to smear
and kick out sincere Palestinians with clear vision and determination, those
who campaign for FULL Liberation of Palestine and reinstating FULL
rights of Palestinians
, including prosecution of war criminals, robbers
and child-murderers

Such serious changes in
the BDS mission statement, clearly  is NOT for the advantage of
Palestine nor the Palestinian, it can ONLY benefit the Zionist occupiers
(hence, I smell a rat, pro-Palestinian organizations have been
infiltrated ).

Any one who
claims to be a “friend of Palestine” need to be aware of what are they
campaigning for and who do they really support.



Introduction by Gabi Weber
Paul Larudee, the co-founder of the Free Palestine Movement and one of the leading Pro-Palestinian activists in America, posted the following text on the  Al Awda list. It seems as if BDS has given up on the most essential and crucial  Palestinian principles.

While BDS was initially committed to the opposition of colonisation of all Arab lands, the current BDS’ goal statement merely opposes only the colonisation of Arab lands occupied in 1967.

The BDS clearly changed its goal statement.

The following text raises serious questions. Perhaps one of our readers can provide the answers.

“Dear friends,

It is with great sadness that I must propose withdrawal of al-Awda
endorsement from the BDS Campaign led by the BNC until the change in its
mission statement has been corrected and until a public explanation is
provided for the reasons for the change as well as the procedure by
which the change was implemented.  A more transparent public explanation
of BNC finances is also recommended.

Obviously, this is not a proposal to stop boycott, divestment and
sanctions.  However, BDS actions and practices do not require
endorsement of a particular movement.  Everything that undermines the
racist Zionist state deserves our support.  Nevertheless, under no
circumstances can we support any statement or action that legitimates
such a state, which is the problem with the BNC-led BDS Campaign.

As I reported on July 10, the original BDS mission statement reads:

“1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall”

In fact, it still reads that way on one part of the website: http://www.bdsmovement.net/call.
Unfortunately, that part of the website is historical, and reports what
the original mission statement was when it was issued in 2005 (when
al-Awda endorsed it), and not what it is today, which is found at http://www.bdsmovement.net/bdsintro, which reads:

“1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall” (emphasis added)

When did this wording change?  By what procedure was it amended?
Were endorsers like al-Awda consulted or even notified about the
change?  What was the reason for the change?

1.  When did the wording change? 

Sorry, but I have no idea about this, and I doubt that anyone else
on this list does, either.  This is problematic.  How can a change of
this magnitude be made without the permission of its endorsers?  How
can endorsers be made to say something that they never endorsed?  This
is deception at its worst.

2.  By what procedure was the statement amended?

One would think that such a change would require a proposal to and
ratification by the governing committee of the BNC.  However, there is
no evidence that such a procedure was observed.  Lacking evidence to the
contrary, we must conclude that it was amended unilaterally by someone
with control over the website.

3.  Were endorsers like al-Awda consulted or even notified about the change?

Again, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, it appears that
the change in language was introduced in the most surreptitious way
possible, so as to avoid notice.  One is reminded of the way the British
territory of Gibraltar was enlarged by moving the boundary stones at

4.  What was the reason for the change?

This is the most troubling part of the problem.  A clue may be found in the following video, posted by Gilad Atzmon:


Another clue comes from BDS Campaign founder Omar Barghouti‘s
book, Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for
Palestinian Rights. In the introduction, Barghouti describes the goal as
some Zionist right wing sources name George Soros and his Open Society Institute
as helping to fund BDS and some of its member organizations.  We know
that Soros is a “soft” Zionist and wants to preserve a Jewish state.  Is
his funding
or that of any other funding organizations a reason for the change in
the mission statement?  A full disclosure of funding sources and
amounts, as well as any and all conditions of funding is needed.  In
addition, the use of those funds, including line item amounts, is needed
in order to demonstrate accountability.

I again wish to express my sorrow at bringing these matters to your
attention.  I hope that my concerns are unjustified.  However, I also
hope that you will agree that this is an issue that must be addressed.

Paul Larudee”

Banner on JPost.com: “Moshiach now in Israel”

 The publishers of The Jerusalem Post visit the Rebbe:

“May G-d Almighty bless you to be successful in reporting real news, not only from ‘Jerusalem, ‘but ‘Yerushalayim, the Holy City.’ And may you announce in The Jerusalem Post when Moshiach arrives there.”

June 3, 1990 

 Banner on JPost.com: “Moshiach now in Israel” 

 The Rebbe and Shamir 


Breaking!! Israel Lobbyist – better if we start the war

Patrick Clawson of the influential neo-con Washington Institute for Near East Studies OPENLY suggests that the US should provoke Iran into taking the first shot.Israel Lobbyist suggests False Flag attack to start war with Iran. Just like 911 in New York causing the deaths of American civilians and soldiers, a million dead Iraqis and for what?
Incitement: Washington Institute for Near East Policy applauds covert war on Iran

Is that Child Abuse?

  • In occupied Palestine; Jewish-“Israeli” kids have fun in the army museum: 


  • In Denver, Jewish-American Kindergarten play flying “off to the army base”:

QUOTE:  “Eretz Yisrael sheli yaffa v’gam porachat!” — My land of Israel is beautiful and blossoming!

 “My land of Israel is beautiful and blossoming!
Who built it and who cultivated it?
All of us together!
 I built a house in the land of Israel.
 So now I have a land and I have a house in the land of Israel!” 


  • In Occupied Palestine, Jewish-“Israeli” kids are brainwashed with hasbara teaching (the art of propaganda and lies) while adults find it humourous:

  • In occupied Palestine, Jewish Orthodox kids are allowed to study ONLY Torah and Talmud, no other subject is allowed:


  •  In occupied Palestine, Jewish-“Israeli” girls are harassed for not dressing modestly:


  • In occupied Palestine, Jewish-“Israeli” kids are tortured in order to “teach” them:

QUOTE: “Orthodox rabbi Elior Chen Noam only followed the rules talmudic Judaism
taught by the great halachic authority – the Vilna Gaon in his famous
“Even Shleima” 6:1-2.

in 0:39
the reporter says “..They were made to eat feces and were kept locked
in a suitcase for days at a time…” Here again, Rabbi Chen seems to
have applied talmudic dictum upon those Jewish kids, as we read in
Tractate Eruvin 21b: כל המלעיג על דברי חכמים נידון בצואה רותחת
(translation): “Anyone who mocks at the words of the sages (the rabbis,
of course), his punishment is in boiling feces.” END QUOTE

  •  In occupied Palestine, Jewish-“Israeli” youngsters are trained to become gangsters and sharp-shooters through  GADNA (Heb. גַּדְנַ״ע; abbr. for גְּדוּדֵי
    נֹעַר, Gedudei No’ar; “Youth Corps”):

  • Jewish-“Israeli” children are taught to mock other people’s faiths on TV:

 The examples presented are just a tiny
portion of the sinister yet ubiquitous reality of “Jewish-Zionist
Education”. It would be more accurate to call it “Militant
Indoctrination”, or even “Treason Course”, since children are
indoctrinated to enlist in an Army foreign to their country, and even
allegiance to this foreign country, from early childhood on.
Irrefutably, treason and militarism are not exactly to the best
interest of a child, or a society, and certainly not of Peace. Thus
what is presented arguably represents a grave form of child

But there is worse. The USA has established an Education Day, which is to commemorate every year the 
birthday of Chabad Rebbe Menachem Schneerson
the sinister
representative of a fanatical, racist supremacism, which has inserted
itself in politics, to become a pivotal force in the sector of
Education, whereby schools, universities and media in the USA and
worldwide, are operating like a filter, to extract Jewish children
and (mis)guide them toward the sphere of influence of such racist
Talmudist fanatics.

With occurrences such as this,
exposing such indoctrination of Jewish children is an acute urgency,
because these children will be alienated from their normal
development, and instead been thrust into a life in which gun-toting,
uniform-wearing, child-killing racism and sense of being exclusively
Jewish, instead of being part of humanity. The world has seen enough,
through wars, conquests and genocides, that militarism and racism are
ominously detrimental to mankind both on an individual as on the
common level. Absurd nationalist projects, moreover if such project
makes the ludicrous claim to be based on religion, have lead to WW1,
WW2, and I for one am horrified to see the specter of WW3, driven by
psychopathic lunatics who indoctrinate children to treason and


Having a diamond in your hand
Does it matter if people say
It’s nothing but a piece of coal

Having a piece of coal in your hand
Does it matter if people say
What an astonishing diamond

Screen Shot 2015-07-08 at 18.31.49

Sweet scented words
Whispered in your ear

Which don’t mean anything
To anybody. . . But you

Wise teachers taught

Angels came

Angels gone

Angels will be back soon

* * * * *

More secrets!

What secrets are you talking about?
I don’t understand

What diamonds and coals?
Who is whispering what?
Who are those who came and gone?

You are making no sense
At all


Shshsh… such secrets are fragile
Delicate . . . frail
The closer you are
The more illusive they become

The moment you touch
The moment you lose

A rainbow bubble

You look at with awe and fascination
Lured to touch
Tempted to hold

You want to get inside
And float around
Tour the world… show the world
Tell the world


The moment you touch
The moment you lose

Such secrets are better kept
Better to stay away
Not say a word

Final Call

Bani Israel 
You’ve dug yourselves a hole
You keep digging… Fools
The flood is behind you
Tears and blood and floating body parts
For those of you with hearts that see
Those who want to save themselves
Very little time left
Give up your guns
Give up your greed 
Give up your arrogance
 Give up your support of a doomed ideology
Join humanity
 Face your demons
  Climb down from your pedestal 
 Come begging for forgiveness
Without which redemption is no more
Shed off your delusions:
Your “chosen-ness”… Heh
Your “chosen-ness” is your biggest downfall
The call of all prophets:
Hear O Hear, Bani Israel
The darkest of your nights
Has been announced
 Clocks are ticking . . .
Retrieve your conscience
Come running 
You have been warned
The End Game is upon us
 The day of your atonement is within sight 

Beloved Jerusalem

Ten measures of sorrow God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of pain God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of agony God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of heartache God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of suffering God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of trauma God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of patience God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of endurance God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of bravery God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of benevolence God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of determination God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of generosity God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of modesty God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of tenderness  God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of blessing God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of kindness God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of joy God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of wisdom God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of elegance God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of peace God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of harmony God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of tranquility God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of grace God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of  sweetness God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of compassion God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of gentleness God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of mercy God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of faithfulness God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of devotion God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of love God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of beauty God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of hope God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of holiness God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

On the Road Again

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou

Poetry for Palestine

Palestine, Poetry, Truth-Seeking,

Centarsko - https://centarsko.com

The Only Place Where you can Find Extraordinary Jewelry and Fashion

the fragrance writer

perfume | emotion

Poetry collection

Work by Rain Alchemist

Shannie Alvarez

A Gentile with a Jewish Heart



Diary of an Aesthete

Follow the Journey ☩𓀙𓃦☉

Vinoth Ramachandra

IFES Secretary for Dialogue and Social Engagement

Global Justice in the 21st Century

commentary on global issues

James Perloff

formerly refugebooks.com


Email to ziegler.bill@gmail.com

| truthaholics

Exposing Truth Behind Media Spin

No Time to Think

The words, poems, stories and thoughts of award winning writer and journalist, Nic Outterside

Palestine Momentum

Writers For Palestine

مدونة عزت غيث

قوانين، مذكرات، مقالات المحامي عزت غيث مكتب المحامي عزت نصر غيث : عمان - جبل الحسين - دوار فراس - عمارة قدورة تلفون 0797900678 - 0788850180

Strings of Soulfulness

The strings of my life’s soulfulness in the beauty of eternity.

مدوّنة مريم

“Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.”


"İlahi Ente Maksudi ve Rızake Matlubi"

The question of Palestine

Palestine is still the question

لماذا غزة؟ Why Gaza?

An American searching for answers in the Middle East

Rehmat's World

"There is no compulsion in religion," - Holy Qur'an


The Climate Crises


Generating a fearless and humanising narrative on Palestine!


Palestinians are at the heart of the conflict in the M.E Palestinians uprooted by force of arms.. Yet faced immense difficulties have survived, kept alive their history and culture, passed keys of family homes in occupied Palestine from one generation to the next.

The Passionate Attachment

America's entanglement with Israel

Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

Blogging 4 Human Rights & Liberation of Palestine! فلسطين

Mystery Worshiper's Blog

Searching for churches where His law is Love and His gospel is Peace

The Slog

A Cognitive Dissident

Aletho News


John's Consciousness

Exploring our "Inner Evolution"