20 Responses

  1. Rights are God-given and freedom has to be snatched.
    Hunger strikes are both foolish and suicidal.
    The Third Reich was not Dajjalic but made to appear as such.
    As for the Fourth Reich, it should rather be termed the Eternal Satanic (Zionist, Jewish, Qabbalist…) Reich along with all its Synagogues of Satan, including the Vatican, the UN, NATO, the IMF, the World Bank, the EU, the USA and many others.



    • The DAMNED Fourth Reich, is most certainly an accurate term for the zionist-terror-entity calling itself ‘israel’. And indeed – it has tentacles in places of power, that does not take away from the correct name for the devil’s minion.


  2. Samer Issawi injured in custody, suffers medical negligence:

    Samer Issawi has suffered a serious head injury while in custody in Ramleh prison, his sister Shireen Issawi has stated today on her Facebook page.

    “In a telephone call from Ibtisam Al Anati, a lawyer from the Hurriyaat center, after her visit to Samer Issawi today in what is known as the hospital of Ramleh prison, she declared that he encountered her in a state of physical weakness, with a pale face and in a bad health condition.

    He is a victim of medical negligence, and is receiving no medical care, nor any food that is suitable for the state of his health. He is suffering from repeated bouts of unconsciousness, and from severe pain in his head and chest. Today, he fell unconscious, which led to a serious head wound, which needed to be repaired with 6 sutures.

    Samer Issawi has called for a continuation of pressure upon the forces of occupation to transfer him to a civilian hospital, in order to receive the necessary medical care. He sealed a historical victory in the longest uninterrupted hunger strike for freedom, that lasted for 278 continuous days.”

    (translated from Arabic by Tariq Shadid)


  3. “the longest uninterrupted hunger strike for freedom”

    Hunger strike can never be part of the fight, struggle for freedom! This is attempting suicide!



    • No one that I have heard of said that Ghandi was attempting suicide when he went on a hunger strike.

      What authority gives you the right to say what can and cannot be a part of the fight and struggle for freedom? There is no rule book. There is no one size fits all, cookie-cutter-cut-out for resistance.


      • Maybe genies like you have no rule book, but I have the best of all Rule Books, but I believe it is useless to tell you about it!

        Attempting or committing suicide or passively killing yourself is not resistance, but madness and the regrettable behaviour of some desperate souls who have been wronged, traumatised by repeated injustices, oppression and relentless attacks.



        • It’s not for you to judge what choices of resistance desperate souls’ make who are locked up in zionist prisons.
          The zionists steal organs, even, in their demonic jails.
          Little children are locked up for throwing stones at tanks shelling the children with live ammunition – safe in their IOF terror tanks.
          It is not attempting suicide to go on a hunger stile; It is Resistance – done by Brave Souls.
          And it worked: Samer Issawi is going to be released.


          • “It’s not for you to judge …”

            If you do not have any expertise in international politics, ideologies or religion, you better write about something you are good at.

            Thank you.



          • You have no clear evidence that Grandi was gay and that he slept with women.
            Was he a loser? Millions of people have embraced non-violent resistance due to his influence. Same with Dr. Martin Luther King – not a perfect man – show me one who is, however, he, like Grandi, inspired millions of people to embrace non-violent resistance.


            • non-violent resistance.?

              I advocated BOYCOTT!

              Why do you bring in that other racist, pervert and womanizer? Ask Captain Joe Cortina about that traitor who accepted bribes from white racists, socialists, communists, Jews and homosexuals – $800,000 – to derail the Black African march on Washington?



              • I know all about Martin Luther King and his despicable actions [I know all the dirt on him, enough to fill a mountain], that does not change the fact that he has inspired millions of people to embrace non-violence.

                As I said, boycott all you like, I do too, however, the Rothschilds’ have trillions so it’s just pocket change lost.


            • “You have no clear evidence that Grandi was gay and that he slept with women.”

              Did you see that in your crystal ball? You just provided the readers evidence of the extent of your ignorance. Bravo!



              • HIStory is told by the victor. Letters can be fabricated, propaganda can and is manufactured and a favourite pastime of the bankers is character assassination. What’re the case may be – gay or not, does not change the fact that Ghandi has inspired millions of people to take up non-violent resistance,


                • “Genie” love

                  I am very pleased with your combative ardour, and I will be charitable and grant you some more of my very precious time. Many men I know do not have your courage. May God guide you even if you do not yet believe in Him as you do not seem to have a “Book”.

                  I do not ignore what you have written, but they are irrelevant to the point I was making. “Non-violence” is a useless weapon invented by the West destined for their own colonised and surviving victims of their own wars and genocide or holocausts. Yet, in only a few centuries, they murdered some half a billion inhabitants of this planet.
                  Self defense by whatever means necessary is not violence. It is ordained by God Almighty in the Holy Book of Muslims. It is a crime to teach a man not to defend himself when he is attacked used to say Al Hajj Malik el-Shabazz or when he was Malcom X.

                  Krishna taught defensive war to Arjun. Adonai Elohim taught aggressive wars to the Jews – to steal, plunder, murder and rape. Christendom taught the same kind of genocidal wars during their colonial and imperialist period and that are still ongoing with a Talmudic vengeance.

                  But, as I see you will object to and reject any evidence I will provide; so, I let you do your own research although I quite understand that so much ‘evidence’ out there is fabricated and cannot be trusted.

                  But, British Sergeant-Major Gandhi is a racist from my people, and most of us do not like him, and he always advocated violence if non-violence did not work (confessed by one of his own grandsons), and he always supported all the wars led by the British.

                  It is true that we have all been indoctrinated in believing the tons of lies written mainly by the victors and their Jewish buddies about history and historical figures like Mussolini and Hitler.

                  “Mohandas K. Gandhi was a bigoted racist. His contribution to the Independence of South Asia was slim to none. Prime Minister Atlee said so very clearly. Gandhi’s bigotry and racism was repudiated by the US Congress and the Nobel Academy which refused him a prize because of his support for war. Gandhi supported every war”

                  Gandhi, hailed by Christians as the “modern Christ” was a bad father, a bad husband and used to beat his wife who he abandoned because of his Jewish homosexual lover Hermann Kallenbach.

                  “A Jewish philosopher, Martin Buber in his response (24 February 1939) reminded Gandhi of his own comments of 1922 on the matter of Indian rights: how Gandhi had “repeatedly said that I would have India become free even by violence rather than that she should remain in bondage.”

                  “During a prayer speech: “If we had the atom bomb, we would have used it against the British.” – June 16, 1947 (Reference: Gandhi’s “The Last Phase”, Vol II, p. 326)”

                  Fornicator and homosexual (Sodomite) Gandhi who used to drink his own urine as well as cow’s urine and his Socialist Fremasonic acolyte Nehru (at least his father was a known Rothschild Freemason) who was bedding Mountbatten’s wife ordered the massacre of 29,000 young Hindustani Freedom fighters in 1946.

                  Now, my good “Genie” girl, say THANK YOU, BASHEER, or good bye and may God guide you.

                  Good day and Adios

                  P.S. I am gay, so do not insult me by comparing me with Sodomites!


                  • Dear Basheer,
                    I am very well versed in all the world religions as well as Spirituality. I have read the major religious books, including the Holy Quran.

                    There is nowhere that I stated that the right to defend oneself is wrong. It is natural and correct. There are many methods of defending oneself, some are non-violent and some are not: by any means necessary, as the great Malcolm X, has said, and rightly so.

                    To reject non-violence as a means of self-defence and also as a means of resistance, is not practical and foolish, in my opinion. It can and is a very effective tool [at times] in combatting oppression and aggression.

                    Surely, you must applaud Rosa Parks and all the others who went on strike and walked instead of take the segregated buses as well as all the people who marched for freedom – even though Martin Luther King was a major sell-out and betrayer, hundreds of thousands of others were not.

                    Fact is, Martin Luther King was a “house negro” as defined by Malcolm X. He also had a Jewish man write his thesis and most of his other papers for his university education, as well, as his speeches were all written by a Jewish man [including ‘his’ famous “I have a dream” speech]. He compared the African American people’s plight to that of these freaky fake Khazars, whom he called Jews, and said that ‘israel’ was/is like Africa to African Americans — their “homeland”.

                    I ask you, Basheer, why throw out non-violence as a viable and effective method [in some cases] over the unethical actions and lives of some of its most famous advocates?

                    You sound like a Catholic [Catholics love to confess, must be due to the obligatory part of their religion to “confess” to a priest], not a Muslim – confessing that you are gay! lol
                    I could care less, it’s your life and you are free to decide what you do between consenting adults.

                    I noticed on your blog that you say Kennedy supported the tyrant and Rothschild puppet Hitler, and that is true about his family, did you know, that Kennedy dissolved the Federal Reserve? And, that he said “As long as I am President, Israel will not have a nuclear bomb.”
                    Those are the two reasons that Kennedy – the womanizer, was killed.

                    First thing Johnson did when he was sworn in as President, on the airplane with Jackie standing beside him, clothes covered in blood, right there on the airplane – Johnson reinstated the Federal Reserve.


                    • Dear Genie,

                      I am very sorry for so much misunderstanding. I am not looking for excuses, but I no more have the patience I used to have. I am a very happy and unhappy man, father and grandfather at the same time and there is only so much that a man can take.
                      I never ruled out non violent resistance because this is exactly what I have been doing for decades, but when the time comes I have only one life to give and I would like to give it the latest possible unless it is required of me to lay it down now in the line of fire.
                      I am glad to hear that you are very well versed in all the world religions although I do not think that we share the same meaning of spirituality. In matters of resistance, I hold the man’s point of view as a Muslim because we “men” are supposed to be the protectors of our womenfolk and we failed miserably. Where were our rajulun when 60,000 Bosnian women and young girls were gang raped by the Serbs or when Iraqi women and young girls were gang raped on a daily basis at Abu Ghuraib and filmed by Jewish pornographers?
                      At least we are in agreement about Al-Hajj Malik el-Shabbaz and we also share the facts regarding that “house negro” MLK.
                      I do not reject non-violence as a means of self-defence because most of us are doing exactly that. But, strategic violent resistance is incumbent on a group of Muslims and the order is not mine but that of God, at the right time and given the right circumstances.
                      I will applaud neither Rosa Parks nor Mother Teresa prior to any personal investigation of the matter because I have known the West to systematically tell so many lies.
                      Love, I do not and cannot throw out non-violence as a viable and effective method [in some cases] because I know for a fact that BOYCOTT is non violent resistance. But, mind you, once the boycott has started it is the State that is going to unleash VIOLENCE of the worst kind on us that will force us to react violently!
                      You sound like a Catholic.
                      But, I am a non Roman non Apostolic Catholic Muslim! This sounds complicated but not for me.
                      Yes, I am a gay Muslim and why should I be ashamed to say so loud and clear when since my youth I have known myself to always be gay to this very day, but you are misunderstanding that I am a homosexual or a Sodomite that I am certainly not! God forbid! I am a man and a real one! The homosexual male is a psycho, a pervert oriented towards the faecal orifice of other men. Shame on him, and now he is given the right to marry and even adopt our children!

                      I personally have a great admiration for Mr Adolph Hitler although I saw him as a lousy General and his 25 August 1933 Haavara Agreement with the European and British Zionists is responsible for much of the Palestinian sufferings.
                      JFK was indeed catapulted to power by the Chicago Jewish Mafia just like Obama, but
                      he refused to allow the Jewish Lemnitzer’s Terrorist Operation Northwoods and had planned
                      to dissolve the Jewish Federal Reserve (I do not remember if he did it)
                      to abolish the Zionist controlled CIA
                      to withdraw American troops from Vietnam (Jewish Kissinger’s War)
                      he had started printing his own money
                      But, he was assassinated by the CIA with Johnson’s complicity.

                      I am sorry if I have appeared like an obstinate donkey. I am sometimes.



          • Correction: It is not attempting suicide to go on a hunger strike.


  4. I always have the same problems with ‘geniuses’ when they are incapable of quoting my exact words before purporting to object to them, to criticize them or simply to attack them because of their own blind beliefs, misconceptions, ignorance or even bigotry.

    Did I write that “Gandhi was attempting suicide when he went on a hunger strike? Did I? Did I? Or is it a genial interpretation of yours?

    Anyway I have no particular respect for that homosexual Gandhi, that British puppet who had a Jewish lover, that pervert who abandoned his wife to sleep with naked women including his own two young nieces, that fool who thought that by starving himself he would bend the will of the British Empire. Anyway, he was a loser!

    I have all the rights in the world anywhere where freedom of expression is allowed to say what can and cannot be a part of the fight and struggle for freedom because I am an expert on the matter. Are you one, Genie from the bottle? Hunger strikers are just fools or simply lazy cowards!

    Decadent Muslims and Christians are responsible for the plight of the Palestinian people and being unarmed or poorly armed against a nuclear wild animal, the only solution we have still open, and the best, is TOTAL ECONOMIC, CULTURAL and POLITICAL BOYCOTT, but not hunger strikes, public demonstrations, signing of petitions, lamentations,




    • Sure, boycott all you like, the Rothschilds’ have enough money to contour any boycott against their terror-entity. I do support boycotts, divestments and sanctions against the zionist regime, however, as I said – the Rothshilds’ are trillioniars and can wait out any boycott and they do: pocket change to them.
      The hunger strikes by Samer and others have been effective in swaying public opinion so that the zionist regime had to make arrangements to release Samer.


  5. Dear Genie,

    I am very sorry for so much misunderstanding. I am not looking for excuses, but I no more have the patience I used to have. I am a very happy and unhappy man, father and grandfather at the same time and there is only so much that a man can take.

    I never ruled out non violent resistance because this is exactly what I have been doing for decades, but when the time comes I have only one life to give and I would like to give it the latest possible unless it is required of me to lay it down now in the line of fire.

    I am glad to hear that you are very well versed in all the world religions although I do not think that we share the same meaning of spirituality. In matters of resistance, I hold the man’s point of view as a Muslim because we “men” are supposed to be the protectors of our womenfolk and we failed miserably. Where were our rajulun when 60,000 Bosnian women and young girls were gang raped by the Serbs or when Iraqi women and young girls were gang raped on a daily basis at Abu Ghuraib and filmed by Jewish pornographers?

    At least we are in agreement about Al-Hajj Malik el-Shabbaz and we also share the facts regarding that “house negro” MLK.

    I do not reject non-violence as a means of self-defence because most of us are doing exactly that. But, strategic violent resistance is incumbent on a group of Muslims and the order is not mine but that of God, at the right time and given the right circumstances.
    I will applaud neither Rosa Parks nor Mother Teresa prior to any personal investigation of the matter because I have known the West to systematically tell so many lies.

    Love, I do not and cannot throw out non-violence as a viable and effective method [in some cases] because I know for a fact that BOYCOTT is non violent resistance. But, mind you, once the boycott has started it is the State that is going to unleash VIOLENCE of the worst kind on us that will force us to react violently!

    “You sound like a Catholic.”

    But, I am a non Roman non Apostolic Catholic Muslim! This sounds complicated but not for me.

    Yes, I am a gay Muslim and why should I be ashamed to say so loud and clear when since my youth I have known myself to always be gay to this very day, but you are misunderstanding that I am a homosexual or a Sodomite that I am certainly not! God forbid! I am a man and a real one! The homosexual male is a psycho, a pervert oriented towards the faecal orifice of other men. Shame on him, and now he is given the right to marry and even adopt our children!

    I personally have a great admiration for Mr Adolph Hitler although I saw him as a lousy General and his 25 August 1933 Haavara Agreement with the European and British Zionists is responsible for much of the Palestinian sufferings.

    JFK was indeed catapulted to power by the Chicago Jewish Mafia just like Obama, but

    he refused to allow the Jewish Lemnitzer’s Terrorist Operation Northwoods and had planned
    to dissolve the Jewish Federal Reserve (I do not remember if he did it)
    to abolish the Zionist controlled CIA
    to withdraw American troops from Vietnam (Jewish Kissinger’s War)
    he had started printing his own money

    But, he was assassinated by the CIA with Johnson’s complicity.

    I am sorry if I have appeared like an obstinate donkey. I am sometimes.


    DAFFODILS by William Wordsworth

    “The waves beside them danced; but they
    Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
    A poet could not but be gay,
    in such a jocund company.”

    I learned this poem by heart when I was 11 years old. Being gay is quite normal and healthy, but being a Sodomite is not normal and filthy!


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